Define Subscription Time Unit Mappings

To define time unit mappings for the Manage Subscription Time Unit Mappings task:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, open the Manage Subscription Time Unit Mappings task .

  2. Enter UOM conversions between the User Unit (Duration UOMs – Day, Month, Year, Quarter, Bi-annual, etc., defined earlier) and Base Unit (Day, Month, or Year).

  3. Click Save and Close.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • You can only use Day, Month, and Year as Base Unit values. You can't add new values to this list of values.
  • Day is the lowest frequency, or periodicity, supported by Subscription Management.
  • The conversion factor must be a whole number.
  • Don't delete the User UOM after it's been used the same in Time Unit Mapping. This has to be done on the inventory Units of Measure side, not from the subscriptions side.

Consider the following example:

As a subscriptions setup user, you want to define Quarter as a time unit in duration and billing frequency. To do this:
  1. Navigate to Manage Unit of Measures task to create a UOM class: Time, with two UOMs: Day and Quarter. Day is defined as a Base UOM here.

  2. Navigate to the Manage Subscription Time Unit Mappings task to map Quarter from the User Unit to 3 months. Select Month from the Base Unit list, with 3 as a value for conversion. Map Day in User Unit to 1 day in the Base Unit. Select the Active check box.
  3. As a result:
    • When you navigate to a subscription, you can see Quarter as a time unit in the duration and billing frequency.
    • If you enter a start date and select 3 months in duration, you can see the duration changes to 1 Quarter.
Note: Similarly, due to pricing dependencies on contracts, you must also define the time unit mappings using the Manage Contract Time Unit Mappings task. See Define Contract Time Unit Mappings for more information.