How can I manage unit standalone selling prices?

By default, the application sends the unit standalone selling price as the charge list price to Revenue Management. But, you can also use the native Revenue Management functionality to upload the unit standalone selling price by sending this value as null from Subscription Management.

To set the unit standalone selling price as null:

  1. Sign in as a setup user.
  2. Go to the Subscription Management work area.
  3. On the Subscriptions landing page, click Subscription Configuration tab.
  4. Click Manage Algorithms.
  5. Click Subscription Management and RMCS Integration algorithm.
  6. From the Steps section, select Send Revenue Information to Document Lines.
  7. In the Actions section, add this Groovy script: RmcsDocLines.UnitSsp=null

  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. From Manage Algorithms page, click Actions > Publish.

For usage charges, by default the Charge UOM is sent as null. If you want to use the Charge UOM in your Pricing Dimension Structure for usage charges, then you must use the fixed value of ORA_PRICE_PERIOD_USAGE in the ChargeUOM attribute of the RMCSDocLines entity.