Set Up Audit

You can set up audit to maintain a history of changes to your important data: what changed, who changed it, and when. You can use the audit tracking functionality on a subscription or subscription product to see the history of changes.

You can view the audit history to determine how a subscription or subscription product obtained its current value and to compare old and new values.

Auditing involves recording and retrieving information about the creation, modification, and removal of subscription attributes or subscription product attributes. So, if you want an attribute to be audited, you must add it to the list. The audit information is stored without any intervention of the user or any explicit user action. Along with the supported subscription attributes or subscription product attributes, you can also enable this feature for any custom attribute.

To set up the track audit feature:

  1. Sign in as a setup user.

  2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  3. Search and select the Manage Audit Policies task.

  4. On the Manage Audit Policies page, in the Audit Level field, select Auditing and click Configure Business Object Attributes from the Oracle Fusion Applications option.

  5. On the Configure Business Object Attributes page, in the Product field, select Subscription Management.

  6. In the object hierarchy, select Subscription and Subscription Product.

  7. In the Audited Attributes panel, click the Create icon to search and select subscription attributes or subscription product attributes. See the table later in this topic for a list of supported attributes.

    Note: To enable and manage audit, ensure that you have a role with the assigned privilege Manage Audit Policies (FND_MANAGE_AUDIT_POLICIES_PRIV). For appropriate assignment of roles and privileges, check with your security administrator.
  8. Click Save and Close.

Here are the subscription attributes and subscription product attributes that support auditing:

Subscription Attributes

Subscription Product Attributes

  • Automate subscription line numbering

  • Bill Service

  • Billing Account

  • Bill-to Site

  • Communication Channel

  • Contact Name

  • Contract Layout Template

  • Copy To

  • Customer Acceptance

  • Description

  • Enable Electronic Signature

  • Enable Renewal Reminders

  • Exemption Reason Code

  • Internal Approval

  • Language

  • Primary Salesperson

  • Renewal Process

  • Ship-to Party

  • Ship-to Site

  • Short Description

  • Tax Exemption Certificate Number

  • Accounting Rule

  • Display Sequence

  • Invoice Text

  • Payment Method Code

  • Payment Terms

  • PO Number

  • Renewal Type

  • Ship-to Party

  • Ship-to Site

  • Transaction Type

  • Wire Number

If you don't want to audit Subscription Management, stop the audit process by setting the Audit Level field to None.