Set Up Subscription Numbering

You can configure subscription numbering to assign numbering sequences at the global, ledger, legal entity, and business unit levels. This feature is disabled by default. When this feature is disabled, the application generates subscription numbering using the PUID based sequence.

To use this feature, you must:

  • Enable the Document Sequence Numbering Enabled profile option

  • Define document sequences in the Manage Document Sequences task

    Note: You must create a Document Sequence Category before configuring Document Sequences. To create document sequence categories, see Guidelines for Managing Document Sequences.
  • Configure subscription numbering using the subscription profile

Enable the Document Sequence Numbering Enabled Profile Option

Here's how you can enable this feature:

  1. Sign in as a user with access to the setup areas.

  2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.

  3. Open the Tasks side panel and click Search.

  4. Search and select the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  5. Search the ORA_OSS_ENABLE_DOC_SEQ_NUM profile option code.

  6. In the Profile Values section, set the Profile Value as Yes.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Configure Document Sequences

Here's how you can configure document sequences in the Manage Document Sequences task:

  1. Sign in as a user with access to the setup areas.

  2. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.

  3. Search and select the Manage Document Sequences task.

  4. On the Manage Document Sequences page, select Application as Subscription Management and enter the required information in the search section.

  5. In the Search Results section, click the New icon and create document sequences by selecting the Determinant Type field value as a ledger, legal entity, and business unit.

  6. Select a ledger, legal entity, and business unit row in the Search Results section.

  7. In the Assignments section, click the New icon and create a document sequence category name by entering the ledger value, legal entity value, and business unit value.

  8. Click Save and Close.

Configure Subscription Numbering

Here's how you can configure subscription numbering to assign numbering sequences at the global, ledger, legal entity, and business unit level:

  1. Sign in as a setup user.

  2. Go to the Subscription Management work area.

  3. On the Subscriptions landing page, click the Subscription Configuration tab.

  4. Click Manage Subscription Rules.

  5. Click the Subscription Profiles subtab and edit or create a subscription profile.

  6. In the Subscription Numbering section, perform these tasks:

    1. To base your numbering sequence based on a business unit, ledger, or legal entity, select Document based sequence in the Numbering Method field.

    2. Select the Determinant Type value as a ledger, legal entity, or business unit.

    3. Enter a prefix and suffix value.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Note: The Subscription Numbering section is displayed only when the Document Sequence Numbering Enabled profile option is enabled.

When you enable this feature, the application hides the Subscription Number field on the Create Subscription page. After entering all the details on the Create Subscription page, once you create the subscription, the application uses your assigned numbering sequences to generate the subscription number on the Subscription Number page.

The application uses automatic numbering based on business unit, ledger, or legal entity while duplicating or manually renewing a subscription. When automatically renewing subscriptions, if the application can't find a proper document sequence setup, the subscription numbers are generated based on the PUID based sequence.

Let’s consider an example where an insurance company wants to offer Covid insurance as an additional value add service to existing customers. The customers should subscribe to Covid insurance policy and pay additional premium to avail the service. The company wants to track the number of customers opting for covid insurances so that it can serve their customers better. The company wants to track the number of subscriptions at a Business Unit level for the year 2021.

You would like to generate subscription numbers automatically for the business unit, Global Operations (GO). You want to start the subscription with the code GO and end with the year 2021, start the subscription number from 10001, and have a subscription number sequence starting from GO-10001-2021

To do this, you must:

  1. Enable the Document Sequence Numbering Enabled Profile Option: Enable the profile option code, ORA_OSS_ENABLE_DOC_SEQ_NUM to YES. This will make the Subscription Numbering section visible in the Subscription profile
  2. Configure Document Sequences: Out of the box, Subscription Management ships the document sequence categorywith category name as Subscription Category and category code as ORA_OSS_SUBSCRIPTION_SEQ_CAT. The same document sequence categoryshould be assigned for all the document sequences that would be created for subscription numbering. You must follow the steps mentioned in Configure Document Sequences. Out of the box, you will find ORA_OSS_SUBSCRIPTION_SEQ as document sequence name.
    To do this:
    1. End date the document sequence, ORA_OSS_SUBSCRIPTION_SEQ to 12/31/20
    2. Click the ‘+’ icon to create a new document sequence with the following values
      • Document Sequence Name: C19_INSURE_DOC_SEQ_BU
      • Application: Subscription Management
      • Module: Subscription Management
      • Type: Automatic
      • Determinant Type: Business Unit
      • Start Date: 1/1/21 and End Date: 12/31/21
    3. Click Save
    4. Expand the icon beside C19_ INSURE _DOC_SEQ_BU, and enter the initial value 10001
    5. Navigate to the assignment pane, C19_ INSURE _DOC_SEQ_BU: Assignment and click the ‘+’ icon to create a new document sequence with the following values
      • Document Sequence Category Name: Subscription Category
      • Method: Automatic
      • Start Date: 1/1/21 and End Date: 12/31/21
      • Business Unit Value: Global Operations
    6. Click Save and Close

    Note: The dates must not overlap.

  3. Configure Subscription Numbering:
    You can now configure the rules on how you want to generate the subscription number. Follow the steps mentioned in Configure Subscription Numbering.
    1. Navigate to the Subscription Numbering section in the subscription profile. I can see this section only after enabling the profile option ORA_OSS_ENABLE_DOC_SEQ_NUM to Yes.
    2. Change the Numbering Method to Determinant based sequence
    3. Select the Determinant Type as Business Unit
    4. Enter the Prefix as GO, the code for the Business Unit, Global Operations
    5. Enter the Suffix as 2021, indicating the year in which the Covid insurance is offered
    6. Click on Save and Close
    7. Navigate to Subscription home page, click on Create Subscription. You will not see the Subscription Number in the create page, enter all the fields applicable
    8. Click on Save and Continue
    9. You can see the subscription number in the Summary page will have a subscription number as GO-10001-2021