Subscription Copy Maps

The Subscription Management copy maps let you create a new subscription by copying attributes from an existing subscription.

The application comes with predefined copy maps to use when copying subscriptions and subscription products. You can also create your own maps to suit your business needs.

  1. Sign in as a user with Application Composer access and activate a sandbox.

  2. Go to: Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer.

  3. In the Advanced Setup section, select Copy Maps.

  4. Select Copy Subscription and click Actions > Add.

  5. Enter the name of the map and click Ok.

  6. In the Application Module Mapping section, enter the appropriate information, as shown in this table:


    What to Select

    Map Group

    Copy Subscription





  7. In the Entity Mappings section, add a record for each view object that you're copying by completing the fields shown in this table:




    Select the new view object that you're copying to.


    Select the existing view object that you're copying from.

    Query Name

    Select one of the three query types: Unique Identifier, Join, or All Records.

    If you select All Records, then don't enter any information in the remaining fields.

    Query Attribute

    If you selected either Unique Identifier or Join in the Query Type field, then select an attribute to use during runtime. The attribute is used to filter the records that are copied to the new object. For example, if you select Account Number, then during runtime, only the records matching the account number passed to the copy map engine are copied.

    Joined View Object and Joined Attribute

    If you selected Join in the Query Type field, then use these two fields to specify the following:

    • The view object to which this object is joined

    • The attribute used as the basis of the join

  8. Select each line in the Entity Mappings section, and add records to the Attribute Mappings section for each of the attributes by completing the fields shown in this table:




    Select the attribute to which the selected entity is copied.

    Referenced View Object

    If this attribute is a foreign key, select the view object joined by this foreign key. The application generates new foreign keys that keep the reference intact.

    Primary Key

    If this attribute is a primary key, select this check box. Instead of copying the value in the From object, the application generates a unique value for this key field in each record in the To object.


    Select the attribute from which the selected entity is copied.

    From Expression

    Optionally, you can enter a Groovy expression to change the value in this attribute. For example, you want to change the value of the From object to some new value in the attribute of the To object. You can also enter a constant to fill this attribute with a constant value in every record of the To object.

  9. Click Save and Close.

  10. Specify the map in the OSS_COPY_SUBCR_MAP profile option.

Similarly, you can create maps to copy subscription products. Use the default Copy Subscription Product map to create your map. After you've created your map, use the OSS_COPY_SUBCR_PRODUCT_MAP profile option to specify your map.

Copy Map Entities

This table shows all the entities you can copy, along with the view object names for each one you want to map:

Entity to Copy View Object Name
Subscription Subscriptions
Product SubscriptionProduct
Covered Levels SubscriptionProductAssociations
Parties Parties
Contacts SubscriptionContacts
Product Charge SubscriptionProductCharge
Product Charge Adjustment SubscriptionProductChargeAdjustment
Product Charge Component SubscriptionProductChargeComponent
Product Charge Tiers SubscriptionProductChargeTiers
Product Bill Lines SubscriptionProductBillLine
Product Bill Line Adjustment SubscriptionProductBillLineAdjustments
Covered Levels Charge SubscriptionProductAssociationCharges
Covered Levels Charge Adjustment SubscriptionProductAssociationChargeAdjustments
Covered Levels Charge Component SubscriptionProductAssociationChargeComponents
Covered Levels Charge Tiers SubscriptionProductAssociationChargeTiers
Covered Levels Bill Lines SubscriptionProductAssociationBillLines
Covered Levels Bill Lines Adjustment SubscriptionProductAssociationBillLineAdjustments

See the Subscriptions areas in the REST API for Sales and Fusion Service in Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience guide for more details on the attributes.