Product Statuses and Milestone Templates

When you're using an instance of the supplied MBBRR template, you can only edit certain fields, based on what status the subscription product is in.

This table can help you understand which fields are editable:

Field Subscription Product Statuses
Active Draft Closed Suspend On Hold Canceled Under Amendment Expired
Type N N N NA N N N N
Source Y Y Y NA Y N Y Y
Source Reference Y Y Y NA Y N Y Y
Name N Y N NA N N N N
Percentage N Y N NA N N N N
Comments Y Y Y NA Y N Y Y
Expected Completion Date Y Y Y NA Y N Y Y
Completion Date (Billing) Y Y Y NA Y N Y Y
Completion Date (Rev Recognition) Y N Y NA Y N Y Y
Billing Offset Y Y Y NA Y N Y Y
Template N Y N NA N N N N

You can create milestones based on the statuses mentioned in this table:

Subscription Product Statuses Billing Milestones Revenue Recognition Milestones
Active N Y
Draft Y Y
Closed N Y
Suspended NA NA
On Hold N Y
Canceled N NA
Under Amendment N Y
Expired N Y

You can delete milestone template instances based on these statuses:

Subscription Product Statuses Billing Milestones Revenue Recognition Milestones
Active N N
Draft Y Y
Closed N N
Suspended NA NA
On Hold N N
Canceled N N
Under Amendment N N
Expired N N