Can I update multiple subscriptions at the same time?

Yes. Instead of managing each subscription individually, you can click Actions and select these operations to manage multiple subscriptions at once:

  • Close

  • Cancel

  • Update

  • Suspend

  • Resume

Steps to Update Many Subscriptions at Once

Here are the steps to mass update many subscriptions at once:

  1. Navigate to the Subscription landing page.
  2. Select Actions and then the action you want to use, like Close, Update, and so on.
  3. Select the subscriptions you want to update.
  4. Finally, in the resulting page, make your selections and save your changes.

Important Points

Keep these important points in mind:

  • Your subscription application must be configured to use this functionality. Contact your help desk if this feature isn't available. Your application administrator can enable this feature using Application Composer.

  • We recommended you to update up to 50 Subscriptions at once. However, administrators can configure the total amount allowed using the Maximum Number of Subscriptions to Update profile option.