How do I amend or close included warranty subscriptions?

To close a covered asset for an included warranty:

  1. End date the asset on the included warranty subscription by setting Customer Asset End Date and Asset End Date.
  2. Submit the change by running the scheduled process, Reprocess Installed Base Updates.
  3. Run the scheduled process, Process Customer Asset Updates.
  4. Run the scheduled process, Update Subscription Status after two days of customer asset return or termination, so that the respective covered asset status is updated to Closed.
Note: The included warranty product line will still appear as active on the subscription, but the asset in Covered Levels will appear as closed. The included warranty takes the end date from the Subscription end date and can't be modified. An included warranty can't be terminated or amended. You can only terminate/modify the covered level asset, but the included warranty will remain as is.

You can also renew an included warranty and make it an extended warranty. See the next section for more information.

Renew Included Warranty

You can use the Renew action available for an included warranty and renew it to an extended warranty. You can manually renew an included warranty when the subscription is in the Active status.

  1. Open an included warranty subscription.

  2. Click Actions > Renew

  3. On the Renew Subscription window, enter a value in the Renewal Duration and Renewal Period field.

  4. Click Save and Continue.

Once you renew an included warranty subscription, it's created in the draft status. You can navigate to the Relationship tab to find the included warranty subscription used to renew the new subscription in the draft status.

Note: Coverage products can only be renewed when they're mapped to an extended warranty item in Product Information Management.