Override Close Credit Amount

When a subscription is terminated, you can use the Calculated Credit Amount field to view the credit amount issued to the customer and override that amount using the Override Credit Amount field.

The Calculate Credit Amount is a read-only field available at the level of subscription, product, and covered levels.

If you want to override this amount, here’s how the overridden credit amount for each credit memo bill line is calculated:

Overridden Credit Memo Bill line amount = Original Credit Line Amount X Overridden Credit Amount/Calculated Credit Amount

Let's consider a subscription product starting 1 Aug 2021 with a duration of 4 months and a $1000 monthly charge. Here's the billing summary for this subscription:

Period Charge Bill-from Date Bill-to Date Amount Interfaced
1 Monthly Fee 1-Aug 21 31-Aug 21 1000 Yes
2 Monthly Fee 1-Sep 21 30-Sep 21 1000 Yes
3 Monthly Fee 1-Oct 21 31-Oct 21 1000 Yes
4 Monthly Fee 1-Nov 21 30-Nov 21 1000 Yes

If you close this product on 16-Oct 21 with Prorate with credit, the application will create credit memos against two billing lines. Here’s the billing summary:

Period Charge Bill-from Date Bill-to Date Amount Interfaced
1 Monthly Fee 1-Aug 21 31-Aug 21 1000 Yes
2 Monthly Fee 1-Sep 21 30-Sep 21 1000 Yes
3 Monthly Fee 1-Oct 21 31-Oct 21 1000 Yes
3 Monthly Fee 16-Oct 21 31-Oct 21 -516.13
4 Monthly Fee 1-Nov 21 30-Nov 21 1000 Yes
4 Monthly Fee 1-Nov 21 30-Nov 21 -1000

The credit for the partial period between 16-Oct-21 – 31-Oct-21 will be $516.13, and for 1-Nov-21 to 30-Nov-21 will be $1000 The total credit issues would be $1516.13

If you choose to override credit in this case and enter 1000 as the override credit amount then the billing summary would look as follows:

Period Charge Bill-from Date Bill-to Date Amount Interfaced Comments
1 Monthly Fee 1-Aug 21 31-Aug 21 1000 Yes
2 Monthly Fee 1-Sep 21 30-Sep 21 1000 Yes
3 Monthly Fee 1-Oct 21 31-Oct 21 1000 Yes
3 Monthly Fee 16-Oct 21 31-Oct 21 -340.43 1000/1516.13*516.13
4 Monthly Fee 1-Nov 21 30-Nov 21 1000 Yes
4 Monthly Fee 1-Nov 21 30-Nov 21 -659.57 Yes 1000/1516.13*1000

In this example, the overridden credit amount will proportionally change the amount for credit memo bill lines.

Things to Remember

  • The value in the Override Credit Amount field can’t be negative.
  • You can't override the credit amount with another amount if the calculated credit amount is 0.
  • You can override the credit amount for those subscriptions that either the Prorate with Credit or Full Credit credit methods.
  • If the Override Credit Amount values is 0, no credit will be issued.