How to Set Up Custom Qualifiers Based on Supplier Invoice Header Descriptive Flexfields

Here's how you can set up and use custom qualifiers based on Supplier Invoice Header descriptive flexfields in your Supplier Rebate programs.

Note: This setup doesn't apply to Supplier Rebate programs with direct integration to PO, Receiving, and AP.

Configure Document Header Descriptive Flexfield

  1. With roles having the required access, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    • Offering: Order Management
    • Functional Area: Channel Revenue Management
    • Task: Manage Channel Descriptive Flexfields
  2. On the Manage Channel Descriptive Flexfield page, search for the Channel Document Header DFF as the name, and click to edit it.

  3. On the Edit Descriptive Flexfields: Channel Document Header DFF page, in the Global Segments section, click Actions > Create to create a new Global Segment.

    Field Value
    Name Supplier_Product_Color_headerdff
    Code Supplier_Product_Color_headerdff
    API Name supplierProductColorHeaderdff
    Enabled Ensure the check box is selected
  4. Click Create Value Set.

  5. On the Create Value Set page, enter the details, and save your work. For example:

    Field Value
    Value Set Code Supplier_Product_Color
    Description Supplier_Product_Color
    Module Channel Revenue Management
    Validation Type Independent
    Value Data Type Character
  6. In the Definition section, enter the following details, and save your work. For example:

    Field Value
    Value Subtype Text
    Maximum Length 15
  7. Click Manage Values and ensure the values are enabled, and save your work. For example:

    Attribute Value Description Enabled
    Value Black Black Selected
    Note: This attribute value should have been specified in the supplier invoice and available in the imported CSV file to qualify the program.
  8. Return to the Create Segment page, enter the required details, and save your work. For example:

    Region Attribute Value
    Column Assignment Data Type Character
    Column Assignment Table Column ATTRIBUTE_CHAR2
    Validation Value Set Supplier_Product_Color
    Validation Value Set Description Supplier_Product_Color
    Display Properties Prompt Supplier_Product_Color_headerdff
    Display Properties Display Type List of Values
  9. On the Manage Channel Descriptive Flexfields page, search for the Channel Document Header DFF, and click Actions > Deploy Flexfield. Wait for the deployment dialog to indicate that deployment successfully finished, then click OK.

  10. Verify your setup.

Download the Flexfield Archive and Obtain the View Object Details for the Channel Document Header Descriptive Flexfields Context

  1. From the Manage Channel Document Header Descriptive Flexfields page, select your flexfield.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Download Flexfield Archive. Wait for the dialog to indicate that the archive successfully finished, then click Download. Save the file to your local hard drive.

  3. Open the file, extract and get the information for the context from the location:

  4. Open the XML file CjmDocumentHeaderDFFVO.xml for your flexfield to see the VO name. For example, name = CjmDocumentHeaderDFFVO

  5. You can also get the attribute name from the XML file. For example, ViewAttribute Name = supplierProductColorHeaderdff.

Manage Service Mapping Setup Using Sandbox after Identifying the Channel Document Header Descriptive Flexfields

  1. With the appropriate pricing administrator role, navigate to the Sandboxes page.
  2. In the Navigator, click Sandboxes.

  3. On the Sandbox page, click Create Sandbox.

  4. On the Create Sandbox page, enter a name for the sandbox.

  5. Select the check box for the Manage Service Mappings tool, then click Create and Enter.

  6. Navigate to the Pricing Administration work area, select Manage Service Mappings from the panel.

    Note: A yellow banner displays at the top of the page to indicate that you're in the sandbox.
  7. On the Manage Service Mappings page, click Channel.

  8. On the Edit Service Mapping: Channel page, click the Entities tab. You use the Entities tab to define the entity and its attribute details that receives the output of the service mapping. On the Entities tab, click Action > Add Row, and enter the following details:

    Field Value
    Entity Name of your entity, for example, SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom
    Description A description containing information about the entity for the flexfield on the order header. For example, SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom.
  9. In the Details section, add the following attributes, for example, and then save your work.

    Attribute Type Primary Key Allow Null
    DocumentHeaderId_Custom Long Selected Selected
    SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom String Leave this blank Selected
  10. To specify the services, click the Services tab, select ProgramEligibility.

  11. In the ProgramEligibility: Details section, select the Entities tab, click Actions > Add Row, enter the following values, for example, and then save your work.

    Field Value
    Entity SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom
    Read Selected
    Write Leave this blank
  12. In the Details section, add the following attributes, for example, and then save your work.

    Attribute Alias Read Write Parent Attribute
    DocumentHeaderId_Custom Leave this blank. Selected Leave this blank. Leave this blank.
    SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom Leave this blank. Selected Leave this blank. Leave this blank.
  13. On the Edit Service Mappings: Channel page, select the Sources tab.

  14. For each of the following sources, add the entity you created, and add the following details in the Entity Mappings tab of the Details section:

    Field Value
    Source ChannelProgramsForSupplierDocument
    Entity The name of the entity you created. For example,SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom.
    Type View object
    View Object The name of the view object. You retrieve this information from the downloaded flexfield definition XML file. For example, CjmDocumentHeaderDFFVO
    Query Type Unique identifier
    Query Attribute DocumentHeaderId
    Use Existing View Object Selected

    In the details section of your entity, on the Attributes Mappings tab, enter the attributes of the entity you created and the view object attributes from the XML file, for example:

    Attribute View Object Attribute
    DocumentHeaderId_Custom DocumentHeaderId
    SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom supplierProductColorHeaderdff
  15. Click Save and Publish the sandbox. Once it is published, when the Eligibility REST is described, the attributes should be visible in the payload.

Pricing Algorithm Setup

Note: If you have implemented algorithm extensions for the Get Eligible Programs algorithm, then you must perform the Merge Algorithm Extensions steps described in the Post-Update Steps section of the Oracle SCM Cloud: Performing Your 22C Quarterly Update guide available from Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Performing Your Quarterly Update (Doc ID 2337485.1).

After any customizations you must update the changes in the Pricing algorithm and publish it.

  1. From the Navigator, select Pricing Administration.

  2. From the Tasks panel click Manage Algorithms. Select the algorithm for program eligibility, Get Eligible Programs.

    Note: You can either create a new version of Get Eligible Programs or you can modify the existing version by first setting it to inactive, making the changes, making it active again, and publishing it.
  3. On the Edit Algorithm: Get Eligible Programs page, in the Data Sets section of the Algorithm tab, select Process Supplier Rebate Programs > Process Each Program Header > Invoke Header Eligibility Matrix and add the data set you created using Service Mappings. Add the following details under the Header data set row:

    Field Value
    Name Enter your custom entity name here. For example, SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom.
    Variable Path Add the variable path to your custom entity here. For example, EligibityRequest.SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom.
    Primary Leave this blank.
    Cardinality Zero or one
    Data Set Join [DocumentHeaderId_Custom:{Header.HeaderId}]
    Order By Leave this blank.
  4. Verify your setup, save, and then click Actions and Publish to publish the algorithm.

Adding Custom Dimension based on DFF Setup

  1. With the appropriate pricing administrator role, navigate to the Manage Matric Classes page.

    • Offering: Order Management
    • Functional Area: Pricing Administration
    • Task: Manage Matrix Classes
  2. Click Channel Program Eligibility to select and edit it.

  3. Click Actions > Add Row in the Condition Columns section.

    Field Value
    Name Enter a entity name here. For example, Supplier Product Color Equals.
    Source Code Name Enter a value for example, SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_COLOR_E.
    Comparison =
    Compare to Attribute SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom.SupplierProductColorHeaderdff_Custom
    Allow Null Selected
    Null is Wildcard Selected
    Domain Text
  4. Click the icon next to Domain to edit the column domain values.

    Field Value
    Name Enter a name here. For example, Supplier Product Color Equals.
    Default Value Leave this blank
    Default is fixed value Don't select this.
    Domain Type None
    Data Type Text

Adding the Lookup code to the Channel Lookup

  1. With the appropriate channel role, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page.

    • Offering: Order Management
    • Functional Area: Channel Revenue Management
    • Task: Manage Channel Lookups
  2. On the Manage Channel Lookups page, search for ORA_CJM_SUP_REBATE_QUAL as the Lookup Type.
  3. Click Action > New to add the following lookup code:

    Field Value
    Lookup Code Enter a name here. For example, SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_COLOR.
    Enabled Selected
    Meaning Enter a description here. For example, SUPPLIER_PRODUCT_COLOR.