Guidelines for Using Extensions to Manage Messages

Use an extension to define a message.

Set Up Your Message

code that Defines Messages


  1. messageType. Define the messageType as WARNING or ERROR. The Order Management work area uses a different icon for each type.

  2. Lookup. Use the Manage Order Lookups page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to categorize your messages, then reference them from your code.

    Use predefined lookups or create your own. Categorizing helps the Order Entry Specialist search for messages and view them in analytic charts.

    Use Error to improve search and display because errors display in work area Order Management in attribute Error Type.

    In this example, assume you define the Meaning as Customer Relationship Mismatch.

  3. Header or line. Indicate where the error happens. Use one of these values.

    • header. Apply the message to an error that happens on the order header.

    • line. Apply the message to an error that happens on an order line.

      The example in the screen print uses line. This example includes code (not visible, for brevity) above throw new ValidationException that defines line as a variable, uses it to iterate through all the lines in the sales order, then saves the order line number where the error happens, such as line 3. At run time, Order Management displays an icon on line 3 that the Order Entry Specialist can click to examine message details.

  4. Manage Messages. Use the Manage Messages page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    • Referencing a message provides advantages over hard coding the message.

    • Reference the message from different extensions, manage the message independently of the extension, and translate the message to some other language besides English.

    • Using the Manage Messages page can simplify message management because other developers and administrators can then use Manage Messages instead of modifying hard coded messages in your extension, which requires knowledge of writing in Groovy.

    • You can also define a message to help you troubleshoot your extension during development. You can include details in the message that display the state of various objects to help you pinpoint problem areas. Remove the message when you're ready to deploy your extension to your production environment.

  5. Use tokens as placeholders for variable content.

The Order Entry Specialist can view and search data in the Order Management work area according to Error Type or Message Type. In this example, notice that the Overview page displays Customer Relationship Mismatch as a label in the Draft Orders in Error diagram.

data in work area Order Management according to Error Type or Message Type

The Order Entry Specialist can take action.

  • Click on the orange part of the circle to drill into to sales orders that are in error because of the mismatch.

  • Search attribute Error Type on page Manage Orders for Customer Relationship Mismatch.

For details, see Use Extensions to Log Errors.

Accumulate Error Messages and Display Them

Accumulate messages, then display them in the Order Management work area all together at one time. For example, assume you write an extension that contains three lines that check for error conditions, x, y, and z. At run time, assume x, y and z all meet their error conditions, but the extension stops immediately after it encounters x and displays the message for error x. Instead, write your extension so it continues to run through y and z, saves each message to a temporary list, then displays messages for x, y and z together in a single dialog. This technique allows the Order Entry Specialist to examine all errors together, correct them, then resubmit the sales order instead of correcting x, submit, correct y, submit, correct z, and submit.

For example:

code that accumulates messages

If the revenue percentage is less than 30% for the sales credit, then the extension creates a message and stores it in a local list. The extension processes all sales credits. If the local list contains any messages after it finishes processing sales credits, then the extension displays them in a dialog in the Order Management work area.

Here is the code that this example uses to examine each sales credit.



import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;

Import the ValidationException method so your code can use it.

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.Message;

Import the Message method so your code can use it.

def salesCredits = header.getAttribute("SalesCredits");

Define a local variable named salesCredits, use the getAttribute method to get the value of the SalesCredits attribute from the order header, then set the value of this variable to the value that getAttribute returns.

getAttrbute("SalesCredits") returns an iterator you can use to access sales credits rows. For example, the code references salesCredits later in this topic to get SalesCreditTypeCode, Percent, and Salesperson.

List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<Message>();

Use this code.

  • List<Message> msgs. Define a local variable named msgs as a list type. Use this technique to add more than one message into the list so ValidationException can create all messages at one time.

    You typically use this technique in a longer extension that contains more than one condition. The extension code stops when it dispalys the first message, so you can use ValidationException to let all validations run, then display a dialog that includes all errors.

  • new ArrayList<Message>(). Define an array that uses list format. You will use this array to store messages that the while loop creates.

The while loop

Iterate through each sales credit until it finishes processing all of them.

Examine attributes SalesCreditTypeCode, Percent, and Salesperson for each sales credit.

def percent = salesCredit.getAttribute("Percent")

Define a local variable named percent, use method getAttribute to get the value of attribute Percent from local variable salesCredit, then set this variable to the value that getAttribute returns.

if ( percent < 30 )

If the condition is True, then create a message, and add it to the local msgs list. Messages accumulate in the msgs list until the extension finishes processing all sales credits.

def tokens

Define these tokens.

  • SALESPERSON. def tokens sets the value of this token to the value that method getAttribute gets for attribute Salesperson from local variable salesCredit.

  • PERCENT. def tokens sets the value of this token to the value of variable percent that the while loop defines.

Message msg = new Message

Define a local variable named msg and add it to local array Message. msg stores each message that the code adds to list object msgs.

(Message.MessageType.ERROR, "SALES_CREDIT_TOO_LOW_MSG", tokens);

Use this code.

  • Message.Use method Message to define a message.

  • MessageType.ERROR. Set the Message type to ERROR.

  • SALES_CREDIT_TOO_LOW_MSG. Get message text details from message SALES_CREDIT_TOO_LOW_MSG from page Manage Message, then add this text to local variable msg.

  • tokens. Get the value of local variable tokens, then add it to local variable msg immediately after message text SALES_CREDIT_TOO_LOW_MSG.


Add the contents of local variable msg, which contains a single message, to local list variable msgs, which is an array that includes all messages that the code creates in this scenario.

if( !msgs.isEmpty() ) {
throw new ValidationException(msgs);

If local list msgs isn't empty, then run method ValidationException. Display all the messages that local list msgs contains.

Perform this check after the while loop finishes processing all sales credits.

Here's the complete code without comments.

import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.ValidationException;
import oracle.apps.scm.doo.common.extensions.Message;
def salesCredits = header.getAttribute("SalesCredits");
List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<Message>();
while( salesCredits.hasNext() ) {
 def salesCredit =;
  if( "1".equals(salesCredit.getAttribute("SalesCreditTypeCode")) ) {
   def percent = salesCredit.getAttribute("Percent");
    if ( percent < 30 ) {
def tokens = [SALESPERSON: salesCredit.getAttribute("Salesperson"), PERCENT: percent];
Message msg = new Message(Message.MessageType.ERROR, "SALES_CREDIT_TOO_LOW_MSG", tokens);
if( !msgs.isEmpty() ) {
 throw new ValidationException(msgs);

Consider Order Import Behavior

Import behavior it different depending on whether your extension creates a warning message or error message.

behavior differences depending on whether your extension creates a warning message or error message


  • Sales orders entered in the Order Management work area. The Warning dialog in work area Order Management allows the Order Entry Specialist to examine the warning, then submit the sales order or cancel.

  • Source orders imported from a source system. Order processing stops only if an error happens. If only warnings happen, then you can view the messages but the import submits the sales order to order fulfillment. It doesn't allow user intervention.