Track Items as Assets in Order Management

Specify how to track an item as an asset in Order Management.

  1. Go to the Product Information Management work area.

  2. On the Product Information Management page, click Tasks > Manage Items.

  3. Locate the item you must modify, then open it for editing.

  4. On the Edit Item page, click Specifications > Service.

  5. Set the value.



    Enable Asset Tracking

    Set to one of these values.

    • Full Lifecycle

    • Customer Asset

    For details, see .Monitor Order Fulfillment

  6. Click Sales and Order Management, then set the value, or leave it empty.



    Sales Product Type

    Use one of these values.

    • Goods

    • Software

    If Sales Product Type contains one of these values, then Oracle Installed Base ignores the item even if you set Enable Asset Tracking to Customer Asset or Full Lifecycle.

    • Included Warranty

    • Extended Warranty

    • Service Level Agreement

    • Software Maintenance

    • Preventive Maintenance

    • Installation

    • Training

    • Subscription

    • One Time Service

  7. Optional. Task type DOO_AssetManagement allows Order Management to send a request to Oracle Installed Base to create or update an asset. You can set up your own task that DOO_AssetManagement references, then reference your task from various steps in different orchestration processes that you create. For details, see Create Your Own Task Type.

    Create your own task type.

    • Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area, then go to the task.

      • Offering: Order Management

      • Functional Area: Orders

      • Task: Manage Task Types

    • On the Manage Task Types page, click View > Query by Example, enter the value, then click the Enter key on your keyboard.



      Task Type


    • In the DOO_AssetManagement Details area, click Tasks > Actions > Add Row, set the values, then click Save and Close.







      Display Name

      Create Vision Asset

    If you sell covered items and coverage items, and if you have a step that calls the DOO_Subscription task, then you must set up the orchestration process so it runs the DOO_AssetManagement task to send the covered item to Oracle Installed Base before it runs the DOO_Subscription task to send the coverage item to Oracle Subscription Management.

  8. Create an orchestration process or revise the copy of an existing one.

    • Add a step that references the task type.



      Task Type


      Add this step after the shipment step and before the invoicing step. For example, if you copy, then modify the copy of predefined orchestration process DOO_OrderFulfillmentGenericProcess, then add this step immediately before the Create Invoice step.

    • If you created your own task type earlier in this procedure, then set the value.




      Create Vision Asset