Key Points to Update the CSV File

After downloading the item import template, enter data into the template file and generate the CSV file.

The first tab in the file contains the instructions for using the template and generating the CSV ZIP file. The other tabs, also called Control Files, correspond to each of the item interface tables.

Keep these tips in mind when entering data into the template:

  • The first row in each sheet contains column headers that represent the interface table columns. The columns are in the order that the control file expects them to be in the data file.

  • Don't change the order of the columns in the Excel sheets. Changing the order of the columns will cause the load process to fail.

  • You can hide columns that you don't intend to use, but you can't delete columns. Deleting columns will cause the load process to fail.

  • You must enter data that conforms to what the control file can accept and process for the associated database column.

    • Date fields must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD format.

    • Amount columns must not contain a thousands separator and must use a period (.) as the decimal separator.

    • Columns that must be whole numbers have data validation to allow only whole numbers to be entered.

  • Refer to the bubble text on each column header for information on the data and data type the column requires.

  • The predefined source system code PIMDH (for Product Information Management Data Hub) is used when you want to import items that don't originate from an external source system, such as a supplier.

  • The provided item class is called Root Item Class, this item class will be used for imports.

  • Items are always created in a master organization. Organizations are created during initial setup of the environment using the Setup and Maintenance task.

  • Provide a numeric Batch ID. Non-Product Hub customers don't have access to create batches, so any ID is sufficient.

Generate the CSV ZIP file

After you complete entering data in the item import template file, you next generate a .CSV file to be used for importing the data.

Click the Generate .CSV button on the Instruction and .CSV Generation tab to generate the file. This will create a .ZIP file containing a CSV file for each tab completed in the item import template file.

You will be prompted to save the file to the desktop location several times. The first is to save the file, the second will ask the folder where the .ZIP file will be saved and the next set of save requests will be for each of the tabs.