Manage Item Imports

You can import items and item-related information using interface tables. This import data is loaded into the production tables using the Import Item task.

Import Item

The Item Import task creates a scheduled process that takes the data that's loaded in the interface tables and uses the import process to move the data to the production tables. The import processes performs all of the validations necessary to ensure that the imported data is correct prior to moving the data into the production tables. You can import the data to production tables through FBDI or import maps.

When importing items using FBDI or import map, the following profiles play a very important role in terms of how the data is processed:
  • EGP_ITEM_IMPORT_ITEMS_PER_THREAD: Determines the number of items that are grouped and processed together
  • EGP_ITEM_IMPORT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS: Determines the number of threads that are launched for import processing
All the data present in the import will be processed based on the batch options. The way the data is present in the import file won't determine the sequence of how the import is processed. Style and SKU items are processed together. The item import data can be classified into two entities:
  • Core Entity: Includes items, item revisions, item extensible flexfields, item revision extensible flexfields, and item supplier extensible flexfields
  • Peripheral Entity: Includes item revisions, category assignments, item child org assignments, relationships, item structures, and item packs

The core entities and peripheral entities are imported separately with the core entity processed first followed by the peripheral entities.

Failures in the core entity import automatically results in errors and peripheral entities aren't processed. If the core entity is successfully imported and if there's any failure when importing the peripheral entities, then it'll only result in errors for the peripheral entities. A batch import will be considered successful, if the core entity import is successful.

To setup the item import process:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Item Import task:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: Items

    • Task: Item Import

  2. The parameters for the Item Import process are:

    • Batch ID: Associate the interface table to the item batch definition with this ID.

    • Organization: Select an organization to be used for the import.

    • Process Only: Determines how the data is processed. The choices are:

      • Create

      • Sync

      • Update

    • Process All Organizations: Select Yes if the import contains items that will be imported to multiple organizations.

    • Delete Processed Rows: Select Completed Rows to delete rows that are imported without errors

  3. Click Submit and the Request Number will be displayed.

Delete Values by Import

You can use the import process to delete values of attributes, including individual values of multi-row attributes.

  1. Download the template spreadsheet, ItemImportTemplate.xlsm.

  2. Follow the instructions contained in the spreadsheet to modify attribute values. Select the Transaction Type of DELETE for the values that you want to delete.

  3. Follow the instructions contained in the spreadsheet to generate a CSV and Zip file.

  4. Select File Import and Export from the Navigator.

  5. Create an upload for the template spreadsheet, using the account scm/item/import.

  6. Create a scheduled process using the job Load Interface File for Import. In the Process Details, select Item Import for Import Process and the uploaded Zip file for Data File.

Monitor Import Items

Select Setup and Maintenance from the Navigator, then access Monitor Item Imports to search for specific Enterprise Storage Server processes and monitor their status in the search results table.