New Item Request Workflow Statuses

As an assignee, you can perform tasks on the new item request based on predefined workflow statuses. But you can't create a new status or workflow, or delete a status.

Here are the predefined statuses:

  • Open

  • Definition

  • Approval

  • Scheduled

  • Completed


As an assignee, you can add items and attachments.

As an administrator, you can configure whether a request comment notification sent to the user is required. If it's required, the new item request can't move to the next status until the assignee responds to the notification.

Here's how you configure the request comment notification:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

    • Offering: Product Management

    • Functional Area: New Item Requests

    • Task: Manage New Item Request Type Details

  2. In the Open status, use the Skip Request Comment option.


As an administrator, you can configure the definition workflow at the item class level. Based on the definition steps, a notification is sent to assignees for defining the item. Once the item is defined, it can be promoted to approval status manually or automatically approved by the BPEL process.

As a definition task assignee, you can define item information such as specifications, structures, packs and so on. But you can't add additional items in this status or create a new workflow.


Approval notifications are sent to approvers based on whether the assignment method is rules-based, or user defined. Once the approval is granted, the new item request can't be modified.

Scheduled Status

After all the necessary approval is received, the new item request is automatically promoted to the Scheduled status.


After the new item request is scheduled, a job is triggered and status is automatically changed to Completed.
Note: To view the last updated date for new item requests created before update 22D, see the Completed On column in the definition workflow section.