Overview of Data Collections for Supply Chain Planning

To run plans from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas, you must collect data into a planning data repository. Order promising and order management processes also use the planning data repository to promise and manage orders.

To collect data into the planning data repository, you can perform these tasks from one of the Supply Chain Planning work areas:

  • Collect Planning Data: Use this task when you collect data from the Oracle Fusion source system.

  • Load Planning Data from Files: Use this task when you collect data from a completely external source system.

Depending on your security privileges, you may need to manually add these tasks. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

  • Offering: Supply Chain Planning

  • Functional Area: Supply Chain Planning Configuration

  • Task: Collect Planning Data

The following figure illustrates the collections processes that you can use to populate the planning data repository.

In the collections process flow, when you initiate data collections from the Oracle Fusion source system, the staging table pulls data from the Oracle Fusion source system. Similarly, when you initiate data collections from files, the data is pushed from files to the staging table. Then, the data from the staging table is loaded into the planning repository using scheduled processes.

Collect Planning Data

There are two steps involved in the data collection process. The Collect Planning Data process first pulls data from the Oracle Fusion source system into staging tables. The process then loads data from the staging tables into the planning data repository.

On the Collect Planning Data page, use the following tabs to select what data you want to collect:

  • Reference Data

  • Demand Planning Data

  • Supply Planning Data

Most of the reference data are global entities. Global entities are common for all source systems. For example, Units of Measure (UOM) is common for all source systems. The supply planning and demand planning data are transactional data. Most of the transactional data are local entities. Local entities are specific to each source system. For example, On-hand Quantity is specific for each source system.

You can also select collection filters to further refine what data you want to collect. You can save your selections to collection templates.

Load Planning Data from Files

Use this option to populate the planning data repository using CSV files:

To load the planning data from files, follow these steps:

  1. Create the CSV files. To create the CSV files, you can use a predefined set of Microsoft Excel files as import templates.

  2. Import the CSV files. From the navigator, click File Import and Export, and create a new import. Specify scm/planningDataLoader/Import for the account.

  3. Submit the Load Planning Data from Files process. When you submit the process, the process first pushes the data from the CSV files into the staging tables. The process then loads the data from the staging tables into the planning data repository.