What are the Checks Performed for Item Attribute Changes?

When values are updated for the following item attributes, a few checks are performed. These attributes are:
  • Primary Unit of Measure
  • Stocked
  • Transaction Enabled
  • Revision Control
  • Lot Control
  • Costing Enabled
  • Inventory Asset Value
  • Shippable
  • Assemble to Order
  • Pick Components
  • Lot Divisible
  • Child Lot Enabled
  • Grade Controlled
The downstream application checks performed are:
  • On hand quantity in the org.
  • Pending transactions.
  • Cycle count entries are present for the item.
  • Pending physical adjustments.

    Existing shipment lines in the transfer order, sales order, transfer order returns for the item.

    Existing RMA lines for (Sales Order Return) the item.

  • Pending in transit shipments and transfer orders.
  • Open purchase orders.
Note: All the checks or a combination of the checks are performed for specific attribute changes. For example, if the Grade Control attribute changes, then only the Existing RMA lines for (Sales Order Return) the item check is performed.