Receipt Accounting Cutoff Dates

The accrual cutoff date enables you to control when backdated receipts are accounted.

The following describes how Receipt Accounting uses offset days to determine the accrual cutoff date for processing backdated receipts.

Using Offset Days

Offset days define the grace period for processing backdated transactions in the prior GL period. You can indicate the number of offset days for a business unit in the Receipt Accounting work area, on the Manage Accrual Clearing Rules page, Manage Accrual Cutoff Rules tab. Receipt Accounting uses the offset days to calculate the accrual cutoff date.

For example, assume the number of offset days is 3, then the accrual cutoff date for processing receipts in the October GL period is November 3:

  • A receipt that is backdated to October 31 but is processed on November 3 is accounted in October

  • A receipt that is backdated to October 31 but is processed on November 4 is accounted in the November GL period

If the offset days are not defined, then the backdated receipts are processed in the prior GL period until the period is closed.