Get Details About Demand

Get details about demand, including the extent of delay, and who has what quantity for an item.

  1. Go to the Global Order Promising work area.
  2. Click Open.
  3. In the Open Table, Graph, or Tile Set dialog, click the row that has the value, then click OK.
    Attribute Description


    Manage Order Promising Demands
  4. On the Manage Order Promising Demands page, search for your area of interest, such as customer, item, or organization.
  5. Click your order line in the search results.
  6. In the Analytics section, Examine the data.
    Data Description

    Demand Line Scheduling Distribution

    Get details about promising performance according to the customer, item, category, organization, and supplier.

    See how much delay there is, such as 1 to 3 days delay, 4 to 7 days, and so on.

    Item Availability

    Get details about the item, including the quantity that's available for the item at various organizations and suppliers.

    Here's how this section displays quantity:

    • Shelf quantity. The amount of supply that's available for an item in an organization or supplier.
    • Allocated quantity. The amount of supply that Promising has reserved to meet demand from the sales order.
    • Available quantity. The amount of supply that's available to fulfill new sales orders, but that Promising hasn't allocated. Available quantity equals shelf quantity minus allocated quantity.


    • The numbers you see depend on how you set up your global sourcing rule. For details, see Source Your Supply Chain.
    • If you specify a substitute for the item, then the Item list of values includes the substitute item.