Define Supply Plan Options for Sales and Operations Plans

For sales and operations plans, use the Plan Options page, Supply tab to set general and organization-specific supply planning options. Use the General subtab to specify the supply plan attributes, aggregate plan attributes, and supply constraints.

The Organizations and Schedules subtab lists the organizations specified on the Scope tab and the demand schedules used to plan supply.


Supply Plan Attributes: Specify the supply plan attributes for the sales and operations plan.

  • Select an assignment set.

  • You can select the options to include purchase orders, transfer orders, work orders, or sales orders in the plan.

Aggregate Plan Attributes: Specify the aggregate plan attributes for the sales and operations plan.

  • Planning Product Level: Specify the product level at which demands and the bill of resources are modeled in a plan. You can set the product level as either item or Category. Item is the default setting.

  • Category Level Members: Specify which items are planned at the category level. To select members, you must select Category as the planning product level.

  • Use Global Demand: Select to make the aggregate supply planning engine model demands globally. If selected, then also specify the planning customer level.

    Or, deselect to create a network with demand modeled at fulfillment warehouse organizations without customer detail.

  • Planning Customer Level: If you selected the Use global demand check box, then you can specify the customer dimension level to use for aggregate planning. Specify the level at which to model customer demand in your plan: Customer Site or Zone.

    If you didn't select the Use global demand check box, then the planning customer level is set to None.

Constraints: Specify the constraints for the sales and operations plans.

  • Allow purchasing and transfer lead time compression: When the check box is selected, the lead time compression exceptions are generated in a plan run. If the check box isn't selected, lead time constraints are enforced. By default, the Allow purchasing and transfer lead time compression check box is selected.

  • Consider supplier capacity constraints: Select to enforce supplier item capacity constraints at a component category level by supplier location. You will still have visibility to the requirements for items within the category. You can also continue to generate supplier requirements for unconstrained component categories if you choose not to load available supplier capacity for those items.

  • Consider processing lead time for assembly items: Select to include the processing lead time of an assembly item during the aggregate supply planning step in the sales and operations planning process. By default, processing lead times for assembly items aren't considered.

    Aggregate supply planning uses bills of resources. The Aggregate Bill of Resources table provides a representation of the critical component items and bottleneck resources required to make an assembly item. By considering the processing lead time for assembly items, the Processing Lead Time attribute values in the Items table are included for assembly items. The processing lead time is used to offset the manufacturing start and consumption of components and resources.

    If the processing lead time of an assembly item is longer than a planning time period, then the consumption of component items and resources occurs in the time period when manufacturing starts. Usage quantities aren't spread across time periods. Also, aggregate supply planning doesn't accumulate lead times across manufacturing stages to offset subassemblies.

  • Consider work center capacity constraints: Select to enforce resource capacity constraints at the work center level. You will still have visibility to resource loading within the work center. If you select this check box, you can then select which work centers to constrain in manufacturing locations. You can also continue to generate resource requirements for resources in unconstrained work centers.

  • Constrained Work Center Level Members: If you selected Consider work center capacity constraints, then you can also select the work center level members to constrain. The list of work centers is based on the selections made in the Plan Organizations section on the Plan Options page, Scope tab. If you don't select any work centers, then no resource capacity constraints are enforced.

Organizations and Schedules

Organizations: View organizations and their descriptions. The organizations are based on the organization level members specified on the Plan Options page, Scope tab.

For each listed organization in the Subinventory Netting dialog box, select or deselect the check boxes under Enable Netting to include or exclude subinventories from the sales and operations plan. During the collection process, data is collected from the subinventories based on the organization configuration in the source system. If you enable subinventory netting for a new subinventory in the source system, the sales and operations plan includes the new subinventory when running the plan after the next collection process.

Demand Schedules: View the demand schedules used to plan supply, which references the same plan name in a sales and operations plan.

  • Supply Plan Input: Click the Select button to open the Supply Plan Input dialog box. In the Supply Plan Input dialog box, select an end item demand measure by which to drive supply planning. The following are the preconfigured measures that you can select, but you can also select a user-configured measure:

    • Approved Consensus Forecast: The final demand forecast determined by collaborative review that has received final approval for use in supply planning activities, expressed as a quantity.

    • Approved Final Bookings Forecast: The statistical demand forecast, based on bookings forecast demand stream that has been reviewed and received final approval for use in supply planning activities.

    • Approved Final Shipments Forecast: The statistical demand forecast, based on shipments forecast demand stream that has been reviewed and received final approval for use in supply planning activities.

    • Consensus Forecast: The weighted demand forecast that combines multiple stakeholder forecasts from sales, marketing, and operations, expressed as a quantity and including any planner adjustments. The unconstrained consensus forecast coming from the demand review process becomes the basis for developing a constrained operating plan.

    • Final Bookings Forecast: The bookings forecast, expressed as a quantity and including any planner adjustments.

    • Final Marketing Forecast: The marketing forecast based on user adjustments to the baseline marketing forecast, expressed as a quantity.

    • Final Sales Forecast: The final sales forecast including any user adjustments, expressed as a quantity.

    • Final Shipments Forecast: The final forecast based on shipment history, expressed as a quantity and including planner adjustments.

  • Measure Levels: View the level at which the demand schedule is being consumed in Sales and Operations Planning.