Load Planning Data from Files for a Selected Group of Organizations

When you load planning data from files with the collection type set to Targeted, you can enable organization group collection and then select an organization group.

Data is collected for only the organizations in the organization group, and the purge of data prior to the load of the new data is also done for only the organizations in the organization group. In other words, previously collected data for organizations that aren't included in the organization group will be retained when you're doing targeted collections using the file-based data import (FBDI) process.

Note: Enabling organization group collection isn't applicable to entities for demand management, such as history, measure, and price list.

Parameters for Load Planning Data from Files

The parameters for the Load Planning Data from Files task:

  • Source System: The source system for the data determines which organization groups are applicable.

  • Collection Type: You must select the Targeted collection type to enable organization group collection.

  • Data File: The file previously uploaded to the universal content manager.

  • Enable Organization Group Collection: You must have selected Targeted for the collection type to select Yes for this parameter.

  • Organization Group: You must have selected Yes for the Enable Organization Group Collection parameter to select an organization group.

Organization Groups

The list of organization groups you can select from for the Organization Group parameter is determined by:

  • Which source system you select for the Source System parameter

  • What organization groups are set up for that source system

Organization groups are set up using the Maintain Supply Network Model task, Manage Organization Groups dialog. On the Maintain Supply Network Model page, Organizations tab, you click the Manage Organization Groups button to create or manage organization groups.


Here's an example that shows how data is retained for organizations in other organization groups when you load planning data for a selected organization group.

For this example, let's say you have 3 organizations and 2 organization groups, and the source for your data is the EX1 source system.

  • Organization group OG1 includes organization M1

  • Organization group OG2 includes organizations B1 and B2

First you load planning data for the OG1 organization group for the Work Order Supplies entity. 2 rows of data are collected for the OG1 organization group.



Order Type

Order Quantity

Suggested Due Date

Item 1


Work order



Item 2


Work order



Then you load planning data for the OG2 organization group for the Work Order Supplies entity.

  • 3 rows of data are collected for the OG2 organization group

  • The 2 rows that were previously collected for the OG1 collection group are retained



Order Type

Order Quantity

Suggested Due Date

Item 1


Work order



Item 2


Work order



Item 1


Work order



Item 1


Work order



Item 2


Work order



Applicable Entities

You can use file-based data import (FBDI) to load data for a selected group of organizations using the Targeted collection type for these entities:



From an Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM source

  • External Forecasts

  • Planned Order Supply

  • Safety Stock Levels

From an Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM source only when the Enable External Data option has been enabled for the entities in the Manage Planning Source System task

  • On Hand

  • Transfer Orders

  • Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions

  • Sales Order and Associated Reservations

  • Work Order Component Demands

  • Work Order Supplies, Work Order By-Product and Co-Product Supplies, Work Order Operation Resources

  • Resource Availability

From an external source

  • External Forecasts

  • Movement Requests

  • Planned Order Supply

  • Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions

  • Reservations

  • Safety Stock Levels

  • Sales Orders

  • Transfer Orders

  • On Hand

  • Work Order Component Demands

  • Work Order Supplies, Work Order By-Product and Co-Product Supplies, Work Order Operation Resources

  • Resource Availability

Loading data for a selected group of organization isn't applicable to:

  • Entities for demand management, such as History, Measures, Price Lists

  • Entities categorized as reference entities

Additional Details

Here are a few more details to know about loading planning data from files for a selected group of organizations:

  • If you have included the History, Measure, or Price List entities in a data file used during a targeted collection with organization group collection enabled, targeted collections will be done for these entities, but will be done for all organizations, not for only the organizations in the group.

  • If you have included reference data entities in a data file used during a targeted collection with organization group collection enabled, these entities will be ignored during collections.

  • Data security created and enabled at organization level for any role isn't applied to the Manage Organization Groups task.

  • If you also use the Collect Planning Data task to collect some of your data, note that you can use organization groups for the Net Change collection type, but not for the Targeted collection type. For the Targeted collection type for the Collect Planning Data task, you use the Organizations Filter for Transaction Data filter instead.

  • You can submit the Load Planning Data from Flat Files process multiple times to specify a different organization group for each submission. The submissions are processed serially in the order of submission.

  • You can specify an organization group when you submit the Load Planning Data from Flat Files process for the Targeted collection type from the Scheduled Processes work area or when using a scheduled process job set.

  • You can specify an organization group when you submit the Load Planning Data from Flat Files process for the Targeted collection type from the Enterprise Resource Planning integration service.