Global Entities

Within data collections, Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain Planning refers to certain business entities as global entities.

Global entities are specific for each instance and are common for all source systems. They are common without regard to whether they are collected from the Oracle Fusion source system or collected from an external source system using the file-based data import (FBDI) method.

When collecting data for a global entity, the planning data repository stores only one record for each instance of the global entity. The data collections process removes the source system reference from the global entity and stores the data in the data repository. If the data collections process collects the same instance of a global entity from more than one source system, the data repository stores the value from the last collection.

For example, the following scenario describes the collection method of the global entity called units of measure (UOM) from three source systems, namely source system A, B, and C respectively.

  • Source system A has an instance of UOM. During the collection of UOMs from source system A, the kilogram UOM is collected. This is the first time the kilogram UOM is collected. The data collections process creates a kilogram record in the data repository.

  • Source system B does not have any instances of UOM. During the collection of UOMs from source system B, the data collections process does not collect the kilogram value. Since there was no record for the kilogram UOM in source system B, the data collections process does not change the kilogram record in the data repository. The record of the kilogram value from source system A is still valid.

  • Source system C has an instance of UOM. During the collection of UOMs from source system C, the kilogram UOM is again collected. The data collections process registers the kilogram record in the data repository to match the values from source system C.

Note: When you use the FBDI collection method, the global entity files require a source system. The collections framework validates that the source system matches each record's source system. A source system identifier marks each data record.

In Supply Chain Planning, the following entities are classified as global entities:

  • Order Orchestration Reference Objects

  • Units of Measure and UOM Conversions

  • Demand Classes

  • Currency and Currency Conversion Class

  • Shipping Methods (Carrier, Mode of Transport, Service Level)

  • Customer and Customer Site

  • Suppliers and Supplier Sites

  • Regions and Zones

  • Approved Supplier List

  • Supplier Capacity

  • Planners