Quality Analyst (Job Role)

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Role Hierarchy

The Quality Analyst job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Quality Analyst
    • Item Inquiry

    • Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Quality Analyst job role.

Duty Role Description

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Supply Chain Management Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Supply Chain Management web catalog folder.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Quality Analyst job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Access Clipboard

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Add Electronic Signatures

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Cancel Quality Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Cancel Quality Issue

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Create Quality Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Create Quality Issue

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Manage Corrective Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Manage Item Change Order

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Manage Problem Report

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Manage Quality Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Manage Quality Issue

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Modify Change Status

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

OBSOLETE: Approve Corrective Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

OBSOLETE: Approve Problem Report

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

OBSOLETE: Create Corrective Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

OBSOLETE: Create Problem Report

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

OBSOLETE: Modify Corrective Action Status

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

OBSOLETE: Modify Problem Report Status

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Review Product Genealogy

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Review Quality Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Review Quality Issue

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Audit History

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Corrective Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Item

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Item Change Order

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Problem Report

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Quality Action

Quality Analyst

Individual responsible for ensuring the quality of products throughout a project. Supports the Process Manager in defining processes and procedures and is responsible for conducting process reviews and audits throughout the project lifecycle to ensure standard processes and procedures are being followed.

View Quality Issue

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Quality Analyst job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Objects

A Quality Analyst can manage application objects for the quality actions they have access to

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Application Objects

A Quality Analyst can manage application objects for the quality issues they have access to

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: Manage Application Objects (Data)

Resource: Application Objects

Inventory Organization

A Quality Analyst can manage inventory organization for the quality organizations in which they can operate

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: Manage Quality Organization (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Inventory Organization Parameter

A Quality Analyst can manage inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can operate

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: Manage Item and Inventory Organization Parameter (Data)

Resource: Inventory Organization Parameter

Quality Action

A Quality Analyst can maintain quality action for the quality actions they have access to

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: Maintain Quality Action (Data)

Resource: Quality Action

Quality Action

A Quality Analyst can view quality action for the quality actions they have access to

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: View Quality Action (Data)

Resource: Quality Action

Quality Issue

A Quality Analyst can maintain quality issue for the quality issues they have access to

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: Maintain Quality Issue (Data)

Resource: Quality Issue

Quality Issue

A Quality Analyst can view quality issue for the quality issues they have access to

Role: Quality Analyst

Privilege: View Quality Issue (Data)

Resource: Quality Issue