Sign in to Channel Revenue Management

You must sign in to Channel Revenue Management to access its various features.

  1. From your administrator, get the following details:

    • URL to access Channel Revenue Management.

    • User account with the required privileges to manage the different features of Channel Revenue Management along with the password.

  2. After signing in, select the navigator.

    • To access the supplier features of Channel Revenue Management, select Supplier Channel Management under Order Management or Procurement.
    • To access claim settlement and deduction features, select Deductions and Settlement under Order Management.
    • To access centralized rebate features for channel customers, select Customer Channel Management.
      Note: If you have the Manage Customer Programs or the View Customer Programs privilege, then you can see the Customer Channel Management icon on the Fusion home page.
    • To access promotional and nonpromotional claims settlement features in Redwood, opt into the following:
      • Deductions and Settlement
      • Manage Deduction Claims Using Redwood Pages
      • Customer Channel Management
        Note: The opt into Redwood pages feature will expire in 23D, after which all implementations of Deductions and Settlement will be in Redwood.

On the buy-side, your supplier contacts can access Channel Revenue Management through the supplier portal:

  1. From your administrator, get the following details:

    • URL to access the Supplier Portal.

    • User account with the required privileges to manage the Supplier Portal along with the password.

  2. After signing in, select the navigator. To access the channel programs, select Supplier Portal under Supplier Portal. From the Supplier Portal dashboard, select Tasks, select Channel Programs, and then select Manage Programs.