Considerations for Working with Concept Versions

Create and use versions of a concept to save and track the progress of your concept design.

Note: Concepts and proposals can have versions independent of each other.

Version Numbers

When you create a version of a concept, all the data of the source concept is copied into the newer version, and it's automatically numbered to the respective highest version number available. All previous versions are rendered read-only. Versions can be made of the latest or older versions of a concept.

Older Versions of a Concept

You can edit only the latest version of a concept.

To reuse and edit an older concept version, create a version from it. If previous concept versions were approved, you can only create a new version from the last approved version or higher. You can also create a separate copy of the concept using Save As. You can't save versions of a concept or concept component that are converted or which are in the Submitted status as a new version.

Version History summarizes all versions of a concept, including version creation dates and version owner information, but you can't edit any details in it. Use the Version Selection tool to switch between versions.