Export Price Lists

Export your price lists from Oracle Pricing into a spreadsheet so you can migrate, convert, and maintain them.

For example, migrate price lists between a test environment and production environment.

You can export entities from each price list that you specify, including the list header, items on the list, charges for items, pricing tiers, matrix rules, and so on. For more, see:

Try It

Assume you need to export the Corporate Segment Price List.

  1. Go to the Scheduled Processes work area, search for the Export Price Lists scheduled process, set the Price List Name parameter to Corporate Segment Price List, then click Submit.
  2. Monitor the search results area until the status of your instance is Succeeded.
  3. In the search results area, click the row that has your process instance.
  4. In the Process Details area, where it says Attachment, click 1 More.
  5. In the Attachments dialog, in the File Name column, click the name that ends in .zip, such as PriceList_export_20220318061320.zip.
  6. Save the zip file to your local drive, then unzip the file.
  7. Notice that the zip file contains a number of separate .csv files.
    • MatrixDimensionsInterface.csv
    • MatrixRulesInterface.csv
    • PLComponentItemsInterface.csv
    • PLCoveredItemsInterface.csv
    • PriceListChargesInterface.csv
    • PriceListItemsInterface.csv
    • PriceListsInterface.csv
    • PriceListsSetsInterface.csv
    • TierHeadersInterface.csv
    • TierLinesInterface.csv


  • PriceListsInterface.csv contains the price list header for the Corporate Segment Price List, such as the list name, its ID, end date, and so on. All the other files contain details about the entity that the Corporate Segment Price List references. For example, PriceListItemsInterface contains all the items on the price list. such as the AS54888 Desktop Computer.

  • You can use the data that you get from the Export Price List scheduled process to populate values in an FBDI worksheet (File Based Data Import). If you do, then you must make sure you correctly populate the worksheet. You might need to manually edit the data and add values in the worksheet before you run the Import Price List scheduled process or the Import Price List Batch scheduled process.

For important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.


Use these parameters to filter the data that the scheduled process will look at.

Parameter Description
Price List Name Use the same value that you see in the Name attribute on the Manage Price Lists page in Administering Pricing. For example, Corporate Segment Price List.
Price List Type Select a value.
  • Ceiling Price List
  • Floor Price List
  • GSA Price List
  • Segment Price List
The scheduled process will export all price lists that are of the type that you select. For example, assume Pricing Administration has two segment price lists, the Corporate Segment Price List and the Computer Service and Rentals price list. If you select Segment Price List, then the process will export these two price lists.
Status Select a value.
  • Approved
  • In Progress
The scheduled process will export all price lists that are in the status that you select.


  • Each parameter is optional, but you must set a value in at least one parameter. If you don't, you can still submit the process, but it's status will be stuck at Retrying.
  • Use these parameters together to filter the price lists that you export. For example, if you set the Price List Type parameter to Segment Price List, and the Status parameter to Approved, then the scheduled process will only export segment price lists that are approved.

For important details, see Guidelines for Using Scheduled Processes in Order Management.