Pricing Matrix

Use a pricing matrix to apply conditional logic on a pricing entity according to the value of an attribute that you specify.

A pricing matrix is an array that specifies conditions and results.

  • The array contains rows and columns.

  • Condition columns specify the condition to test, such as Customer Size equals Small.

  • Result columns specify what to do when the condition is true, such as use the Corporate Segment.

  • Each row specifies a separate condition and result.

Here's an example of a pricing matrix that assigns a pricing segment.

matrix that specifies how to assign a pricing segment

This matrix includes three rows. Each row specifies a rule that contains a condition and a result.





If Revenue Potential is Very high, and

Customer Size is Large, and

Cost to Serve is Very High, and

Customer Value is Very High, and

Customer Rating is Very High, then . . .

. . .assign the Corporate Segment.


If Revenue Potential is High, and

Customer Size is Medium, and

Cost to Serve is High, and

Customer Value is Medium, and

Customer Rating is High, then . . .

. . .assign the International Segment.


If Revenue Potential is Low, and

Customer Size is Small, and

Cost to Serve is Low, and

Customer Value is Low, and

Customer Rating is Medium, then . . .

. . .assign the Domestic Segment.

At run time, Pricing evaluates each row until it finds a match. If it doesn't find a match, then it sets a default value.

Here are the pricing entities where you can add a pricing matrix.

  • Pricing strategy assignment

  • Pricing segment

  • Price list

  • Cost list

  • Currency conversion list

  • Shipping charge list

The conditions and results are different for each type of pricing entity.

The conditions and results are different for each type of entity.

For example:

Pricing Entity



Pricing segment

Depending on the values of.

  • Revenue Potential

  • Customer Size

  • Cost to Serve

  • Customer Value

  • Customer Rating

Set the.

  • Pricing Segment

Pricing strategy assignment

Depending on the values of.

  • Channel Method

  • Pricing Segment

  • Transaction Type

Set the.

  • Pricing Strategy

Price list

Depending on the value of.

  • Geography

Set the.

  • Adjustment Type

  • Adjustment Amount

Add Conditions and Results in Pricing Matrixes

You can add up to 25 conditions and results in a pricing matrix when you create a pricing rule. You can use this capability to include more attributes from your customer, product hierarchy, or transaction when you set up your pricing rules. It also provides a wider variety of attributes that can you use to help analyze pricing in your reports.

  • Use the Pricing Administration work area, file-based data import, or REST API to manage your matrix when you need to adjust attribute values on price lists or discounts lists.
  • Use the Pricing Administration work area or REST API to assign the pricing strategies and manage the pricing segments that you use with these rules.
  • Use the Pricing Administration work area to manage adjustment values for attributes on a price list or discount list, to manage pricing segments, assign pricing strategies, and create pricing guidelines.
  • You can add up to only 10 conditions and results through Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFDI). For details, see Use Spreadsheets to Manage Pricing.