Troubleshoot Importing Batches of Discount Lists

Troubleshoot problems that happen when you import a batch of discount lists.



I don't see my batch in the Batch Name attribute on the Process Details dialog when I try to run the Import Discount Lists scheduled process.

Different problems might cause this trouble.

  • You must successfully upload your batch before you run the scheduled process.

  • If you rerun Import Discount Lists, then you must first rerun the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process before you rerun Import Discount Lists.

I encounter an error in the scheduled process log.

The discount list entity you attempted to append doesn't exist or is expired.

The value of the attribute set_id is not valid.

Make sure the attribute contains a value and that your value is the correct data type.

For example, the data type for SET_ID is Number(18), so make sure it contains numeric data with precision 18. For details, go to SQL Language Reference, then expand Basic Elements of Oracle SQL > Data Types.

I examine the error logs but they seem incomplete.

Wait for all processes to reach their "terminal" state. Processing continues to add details to the log even after it sets the process status to Error.

To determine whether the process is done, click Error in the status column, then verify that the dialog displays this text.

The request has completed and is in a terminal state.

Also, each process creates two files, one with a .log extension and the other with .txt. To view both, click more in the link next to Attachment of the log area on the Overview page in the Scheduled Processes work area.

I encounter an error in the scheduled process log.

1002: A discount list with the name DISCOUNT_LIST_2 already exists. Enter a unique name.

This error happens when you set the action to CREATE for an entity, such as a discount list, but the entity already exists.

Change the name in template, or delete the entity in Pricing Administration, then import again.

If you import again with the same template, make sure you remove records that the import successfully processed. The scheduled process imports records sequentially.

For example, assume your template includes DISCOUNT_LIST_1 and DISCOUNT_LIST_2, the import successfully imports DISCOUNT_LIST_1 but fails while attempting to import DISCOUNT_LIST_2. You correct the error in the template for DISCOUNT_LIST_2 but don't remove DISCOUNT_LIST_1. You upload and import again, but this time you encounter the duplication error for DISCOUNT_LIST_1. This happens because the first import already imported DISCOUNT_LIST_1 into the database.

I encounter an error in the scheduled process log.


Try this.

  • Make sure you specify an access set on the QP_DISCOUNT_LIST_SETS_INT sheet.

  • Specify an access set for each discount list you create.

Troubleshoot depending on the command you use on QP_DISCOUNT_LIST_SETS_INT.

  • I used CREATE. Make sure the access set doesn't already exist.

  • I didn't use CREATE. Make sure the access set does already exist.


  • If you delete data in the Pricing Administration work area to fix a duplication problem, it might not be necessary to run the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process again because you haven't changed data in the interface tables. Try running only the Import Discount Lists scheduled process.