How You Load Planning Data from Files

You upload data using CSV files for specific business objects using the targeted or net change method.

Note: To create the CSV files, you can use a set of Microsoft Excel template files that are provided for this purpose. You can download the templates from the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for SCM guide in the Oracle Help Center.

You use the targeted mode when you want to refresh data for selected entities in the planning data repository. You use the net change mode to collect data incrementally. The net change collections mode collects only the changed or new data. Data collection using the net change mode is fast compared to the targeted mode. The net change mode is used to retain planning data to current with that of the executing system.

The following figure illustrates the process of collecting data from files.

The flow chart for the Loading planning data from files task.

To load planning data from files, you perform the following steps:

  1. Create CSV files using Microsoft Excel template

  2. Run the process to load planning data from files

  3. Verify the load planning data process

  4. Review the loaded data