Configure Color by Measure to Display in Graphs

You can configure the color by measure and then use that color for every graph that the measure appears in. For example, always show Final Shipments Forecast in blue and Final Sales Forecast in green.

This functionality is helpful when viewing a specific measure in several graphs in one layout. You can also specify the color to display for a measurein a specific graph.

The configure color by measure to display in graphs functionality is available in the following Supply Chain Planning work areas:

  • Demand Management

  • Demand and Supply Planning

  • Planning Central

  • Replenishment Planning

  • Sales and Operations Planning

  • Supply Planning

Configure Color by Measure for All Graphs

When you configure graphs, you can have a consistent color for a specific measure in your graphs. For example, you have multiple graphs that display the forecast. You can quickly identify the forecast measure by using the same color for the measure in all of your graphs.

To configure a graph color for a specific measure to use in all graphs, select the graph color for the measure in the Edit Measure dialog box.

  1. In a Supply Chain Planning work area, click the Tasks panel tab.

  2. In the Tasks panel drawer, click the Manage Planning Measures link in the Configuration section.

  3. On the Manage Planning Measures page, select a measure, click Actions, and then select Edit.

  4. In the Edit Measure dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

  5. In the Properties subtab, click the Graph Color drop down arrow and select a color to use for the measure in all graphs.

Configure Color by Measure for a Specific Graph

You can configure a color for a measure in a specific graph, which overrides the color configured for the measure in the Edit Measure dialog box.

To configure a graph color for a specific measure for a specific graph, select the graph color for the measure in the Format Measures dialog box.

  1. In an open table or graph, click View and then select Format Measures.

  2. In the Format Measures dialog box, in the Graph Color column, click the drop down arrow and select a color to use.

Automatically Assign Graph Color

If a graph color is already configured for a measure for all graphs, but you want the graph color assigned automatically for that measure for a specific graph, then select the Assign Graph Color Automatically check box on the Format Measures page.

  1. In an open table or graph, click View and then select Format Measures.

  2. In the Format Measures dialog box, in the Assign Graph Color Automatically column, click the check box in the row for the measure.

Tips and Considerations for Assigning Graph Colors to Measures

The following is additional information about the configure color by measure to display in graphs functionality:

  • Duplicate Colors: You might have a situation where you have two measures with the same color in a graph. If the color you configure for a measure is the same color as one of the colors automatically assigned to a measure in a specific graph, then you must select a different color for the measure you're configuring.

  • Predefined measures: By default, predefined measures initially don't have a graph color selected on the Manage Planning Measures page. In this case, when used in a graph the planning process automatically assigns a color for the measure.

  • Bar, line, and radar graphs: Only measures located in the Y-axis display the graph color settings. This is only in case the measures aren't combined with one or more hierarchies in the Y-axis. Automatically-assigned colors are used in this case.

  • Plan Comparison: When comparing plans, the configured measure color in the graph is honored only for the measure itself. The measures that represent the compared plans get an automatically-assigned color, selected randomly by the planning process.

  • Archive Plan: When archiving a plan and using Waterfall Analysis or Trend Analysis graphs, the configured measure color is honored only for the measure itself. The measures that represent the archive get an automatically-assigned color, selected randomly by the planning process.

  • Export and Import: When exporting and importing measure settings from one environment to another, the export and import keeps the graph color settings in Manage Planning Measures and Format Measures.

  • Graph Types: The graph color functionality isn't available for the following graph types:

    • Pie

    • Sunburst

    • Treemap

    • Gauge

    • Funnel

    • Bubble