Inventory Serial Numbers

The Inventory Serial Numbers view object contains information about inventory serial numbers.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.ScmExtractAM.InvBiccExtractAM.InvSerialNumbersExtractPVO

Primary Keys : InventoryItemId, SerialNumber, CurrentOrganizationId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
Attribute1 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute10 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute11 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute12 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute13 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute14 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute15 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute16 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute17 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute18 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute19 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute2 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute20 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute3 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute4 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute5 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute6 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute7 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute8 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
Attribute9 Segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeCategory Context name for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate1 Date segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate2 Date segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate3 Date segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate4 Date segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeDate5 Date segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber1 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber10 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber2 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber3 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber4 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber5 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber6 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber7 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber8 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeNumber9 Number segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp1 Date and time segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp2 Date and time segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp3 Date and time segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp4 Date and time segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AttributeTimestamp5 Date and time segment for the Manage Serial Numbers descriptive flexfield.
AvailabilityType Code that identifies the type of availability.
CAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute11 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute12 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute13 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute14 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute15 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute16 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute17 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute18 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute19 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute20 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
CategoryId Unique identifier for the item category.
CompletionDate Date when the unit is completed.
CountryOfOriginCode Code that identifies the country of origin associated to this serial number.
CreatedBy User who created the serial number.
CreationDate Date when the serial number was created.
CurrentLocatorId Value that uniquely identifies the locator for this serial number.
CurrentOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory organization for this serial number.
CurrentStatus Code that identifies the current state of the serial. For example, defined but not used, in stores, or issued out of stores.
CurrentSubinventoryCode Code that identifies the current subinventory where the serial number is present.
CyclesSinceMark Number of cycles completed from the time a serial number is marked for an item in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
CyclesSinceNew Number of cycles completed from the time a new item is created in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
CyclesSinceOverhaul Number of cycles completed from the time an item is overhauled in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
CyclesSinceRepair Number of cycles completed from the time an item is repaired in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
CyclesSinceVisit Number of cycles completed from the time an item is visited in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
DAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
DAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
GenObjectId Value that uniquely identifies the genealogy object.
GroupMarkId Value that identifies that the serial number is allocated to a transaction group and not available for others.
InitializationDate Date that the unit is initialized.
InspectionStatus Code that indicates if the serial has been accepted or rejected after receiving inspection.
InvReservedAttribute1 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvReservedAttribute2 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvStripingCategory Context name for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute1 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute10 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute2 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute3 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute4 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute5 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute6 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute7 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute8 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InvUserDefAttribute9 Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InventoryAtpCode Segment for the Inventory Attributes descriptive flexfield.
InventoryItemId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory item.
JobDefinitionName Name of the scheduled process that created or last updated the record.
JobDefinitionPackage Value that identifies the package name of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the record.
LastReceiptIssueType Code that indicates if the last transaction performed on the serial is a receipt or an issue.
LastTransactionId Value that uniquely identifies the latest inventory transaction that included this serial number.
LastTxnSourceId Value that uniquely identifies the source of the latest inventory transaction that included this serial number.
LastTxnSourceName Value that identifies the source name of the latest inventory transaction that included this serial number.
LastTxnSourceTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the source type of the latest inventory transaction that included this serial number.
LastUpdateDate Date when the serial number was most recently updated.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who most recently updated the serial number.
LastUpdatedBy User who most recently updated the serial number.
LineMarkId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction line to which the serial number is allocated.
LotLineMarkId Value that uniquely identifies the transaction lot line to which the serial number is allocated.
LotNumber Value that identifies an inventory lot.
NAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute10 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute6 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute7 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute8 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NAttribute9 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
NumberOfRepairs Number of repairs of an item in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the object row has been updated. This attribute is used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
OnhandQuantitiesId Value that uniquely identifies the on-hand balances row. The value for this attribute is generated by the application.
OperationSeqNum Number that identifies the work order operation sequence that transacted this serial number.
OriginalUnitVendorId Unique identifier of the supplier who shipped the original unit.
OriginalWipEntityId Unique identifier of the original work order transaction.
OriginationDate Date when the warehouse created the serial number.
OwningOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the owning party associated with the consigned inventory.
OwningTpType Value that identifies the type of owning party associated with the consigned inventory.
ParentItemId Value that uniquely identifies the parent item.
ParentLotNumber Value that identifies the parent lot.
ParentSerialNumber Value that identifies the parent serial number.
PlanningOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the planning organization.
PlanningTpType Value that identifies the type of planning trading partner.
PreviousStatus Code that identifies the previous state of the serial. For example, defined but not used, in stores, or issued out of stores.
ProjectId Value that uniquely identifies the project used to strip inventory transactions and serial numbers.
RequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request ID of the scheduled process that created or most recently updated the row.
ReservableType Code that identifies hard reservation eligibility.
ReservationId Unique identifier of the inventory reservation.
Revision Value that identifies the version of the item.
SerialAttributeCategory Context name for the Serial Attribute descriptive flexfield.
SerialNumber Number that uniquely identifies a single piece that will never be repeated for similar pieces.
ShipDate Date that the serial number was issued out of the warehouse.
StatusId Value that uniquely identifies the material status of the serial number.
TAttribute1 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
TAttribute2 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
TAttribute3 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
TAttribute4 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
TAttribute5 Segment for the Serial Attributes descriptive flexfield.
TaskId Value that uniquely identifies the inventory task.
TerritoryCode Code that identifies the country of origin of the serial.
TimeSinceMark Value that identifies the time as calculated from the time a serial number is marked for an item in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
TimeSinceNew Value that identifies the time as calculated from the time an item is marked as new in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
TimeSinceOverhaul Value that identifies the time as calculated from the time an item is marked for overhaul in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
TimeSinceRepair Value that identifies the time as calculated from the time an item is marked for repair in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
TimeSinceVisit Value that identifies the time as calculated from the time an item is visited in the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul industry.
VendorLotNumber Value that identifies the supplier lot number.
VendorSerialNumber Value that identifies the supplier serial number.
WipEntityId Value that uniquely identifies the original work order transaction.