Validate Configurations in Innovation Management

Validate external PLM system configurations and Innovation Management integration with the use cases listed in this section.

  • Search for PLM items, documents, and designs

  • Read attribute values of PLM items and designs

  • Read structure and relationships of PLM items and designs

  • Create PLM items and designs

  • Create structure and relationships for items and designs

  • Read and write file contents to and from file servers

If the following issues occur, refer to the chapter SmartRules in the Agile PLM Administrator Guide for more information:

  • Converting to an item structure when the parent item has a file attachment doesn't create a child item, if the Agile PLM SmartRule is set to either "Copy with Warning" or "Reference with Warning".

  • The Design table has no rows, but the header has a count for users with a default privilege in Agile PLM.

  • An Agile PLM Integration Framework error occurs when trying to add some single-list and multi-list attributes.