CDL Expressions

An expression is usually part of (or sometimes all of) a CDL statement. It has two operands that are connected by an operator, or functions and their arguments.


The following example shows a simple mathematical expression where the two operands are 2 and frame.border, and the operator is * (multiplication).

2 * frame.border

The following example shows a simple mathematical expression used as the second operand in another expression, where the first operand is window.frame.width and the operator is - (subtraction).

window.frame.width - 2 * frame.border

For an example of CDL rules using these expressions, consider a Window Model. If you want to calculate the size of the glass to be put into a window frame where the glass is inserted in the frame 1/2 inch at each side, and the frame border is 1 inch, you might write the two accumulator rules in the following example.

ADD window.frame.width - 2 * frame.border + 2 * 0.5 TO glass.width;
ADD window.frame.height - 2 * frame.border + 2 * 0.5 TO glass.height;

Following are some additional examples of expressions.

The following expressions result in a BOOLEAN value:

a > b
a AND b
(a + b) * c > 10
a.prop LIKE "%abc%"

The following expressions result in a INTEGER or DECIMAL value:

a + b
((a + b) * c )^10