Pricing with Configurator

You can display the prices for standard items and connected items in your user interface. Pricing is performed within Configurator using Oracle Pricing.

When item prices are displayed during a configuration session, the prices for items or services appear in the running summary pane on the configuration summary page, and with the items themselves. Connected items and services are displayed as root-level lines in the configuration summary. The price for the connected items and services is included in the total net price for the configuration.

The requirements for using pricing with Configurator are:

  • You are running Configurator with a host application that passes customer information to Configurator, such as Oracle Order Management or Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote.

  • Your items are on a price list, managed in the Pricing Administration work area.

    Price lists define the amount for each item. Pricing strategies assemble price lists to be used when pricing is applied at runtime. A pricing strategy ensures that the correct prices are calculated for a given customer (for instance, for discounts). Pricing strategies are dynamic and differ between customers. When you test a configurator model, the customer information isn't available, so in the Test Model dialog box you can explicitly specify which pricing strategy to use for the test session, which determines which price lists are in effect.

  • The pricing of price-listed items in Configurator is on by default. You can set the Pricing in Configurator setup parameter to turn pricing off (and back on) in Configurator.

To control whether the prices for items are displayed in Configurator:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Order Management Parameters task:

    • Offering: Order Management

    • Functional Area: Orders

    • Task: Manage Order Management Parameters

  2. Select the parameter Pricing in Configurator.

  3. Select a value for the parameter:

    • Always: (Default). Configurator always calls pricing. Prices appear for all configuration nodes that can be priced.

    • Never: Configurator never calls pricing. No prices appear while configuring a product.