When To Use Connectors

Products are often configured from items in a bill of materials that are related by specific rules to create a defined, limited model structure.

But if you need to configure products that depend on items that aren't part of a single model's structure, you might want to use connectors.

Here are examples of models for which you might use connectors to include separate but related items in a configuration of the model:

Configurator Model

Related Item Connected to Model

Conditions for Connection

Network server


Exclude warranties for 12 months. Allow only warranties for 18 or 24 months.

Network server

On-site installation service

Automatically added as a related item on a quote or order.

Desktop computer


No restrictions.



Can optionally add only one trailer to a car.



Can add up to four warranties.

Here are some user stories where connectors could be the best solution:

User story 1

Create a quote or order for a configured item with separate related items. You're configuring a network server and have selected the required components of the configuration. Certain components that you have selected exclude warranties of 12 months, and only 18 or 24-month warranties are allowed. You should be able to select the available warranties from within the Configurator user interface. On completing the configuration, you should see the network server and the warranties that you selected as related quote or order lines. Also note that these warranties aren't modeled in the Product Development work area as part of the configured item's component structure.

User story 2

Modify a quote or order for a configured item with separate related items. You have an existing quote or order for which you're re-configuring a network server and have changed the selected components of the configuration. Certain components that you have selected now require an on-site installation service. The on-site installation service should automatically be added as a related item to the quote or order and you should be able to select additional available services from within the Configurator user interface. On completing the configuration, you should see the modified network server and the new on-site installation service as a separate but related line in the quote or order. Also note that these services aren't modeled in the Product Development work area as part of the configured item's component structure.

User story 3

Validate a quote or order on or before submission. You have an existing quote or order which includes a configured network server with an on-site installation service line item and you have removed the on-site installation service line item. Certain components that you had previously selected for the network server require an on-site installation service. Before you submit the quote or order, you select an action to verify it one last time. You will then be notified that an on-site installation service is required and it will be added back to the quote or order as a separate line item. (Note that this validation might also happen automatically when the quote or order is submitted.)