
If you subscribe to Avalara's services, you can configure your setup to exchange B2B messages.

Here's what you need to do to configure the predefined Avalara service provider:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers task.

  2. Search for the service provider Avalara.

  3. Select the service provider row and click Actions > Edit. Select Test or Production for the Outbound Delivery Connection Type to reflect the environment you're setting up.

  4. On the Delivery Methods tab, select a delivery method and enter a User Name and Password.

  5. On the Outbound Collaboration Messages tab, associate the delivery method with the messages that you want to exchange with your trading partners, set the status to Active, and Save.

  6. On the Inbound Collaboration Messages tab, select the messages that you want to receive from your trading partners, set them to Active, and click Save.

Only message definitions that are specific to Avalara are displayed on these tabs. If you want to use your own user-defined messages, you have to:
  1. Use the Manage Collaboration Message Definitions task to search for and duplicate the message definition in question. Refer to the Duplicate a Collaboration Message section in the guide.
  2. On the Outbound or Inbound Collaboration Messages tab, select the message definition that you want to replace and set the status to Inactive, then select Actions > Duplication Collaboration Message.
  3. Enter the details for the new collaboration message, select the message definition that you want to use and set the status to Active.
  4. Click Save.