How You Search for Messaging History

The Search section of the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page helps you search for specific messages based on a number of criteria.

The From Date in the search area defaults to a date and time that's a set number of hours prior to the current date time as determined by the Default Messaging History Display Duration defined in Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration.

You aren't required to select a document to search, but if you select Purchase Order - Outbound, Purchase Order Change - Outbound, Purchase Order Cancellation - Outbound, Purchase Order Acknowledgment - Inbound, Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment - Inbound, Advance Ship Notice - Inbound, or Invoice - Inbound as a document, the Order field becomes available. You can use a purchase order number to search for purchase order B2B messages sent to suppliers or invoices and shipment notification B2B messages received from suppliers.

The Publication ID groups outbound messages published to multiple recipients when there are multiple recipients configured for an outbound document, for example, a PO configured to be sent to a supplier and a third-party service provider.

The Response Status field in the Messages section shows the response status for an inbound or outbound message. The details of the response messages are displayed on the Responses tab.

You can use the Application Response Outbound message to send responses to the senders of your B2B messages and notify them about message processing status updates. You can use the Confirmation Inbound message to receive responses from your suppliers or customers to confirm the receipt of your B2B messages.

When a message with multiple instances of a B2B document type is received, the original message status is Received. The message status of each instance is In-Process. The message ID generated for each instance is a concatenation of the original message ID and a number representing the counter of the document type. You can find all documents that were received in a message by entering the original Message ID with a percentage sign i.e., IN_81046% in the Message ID search criteria.

What the Search Results Contain

The Messages section of the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page displays the search results. Some of the data is specific to the document you selected in the search area. For example, Supplier, Supplier Number, and Supplier Site are displayed for purchase orders you sent out, and customer name and number are displayed for purchase orders you receive.

The Collaboration Plan field displays a unique key for Forecast messages sent to a supplier.

Click the Message ID for more information about a message:

  • Details of a message, trading partner, service provider, and message processing information.

  • Configuration of a document and its transformation.

  • For an outbound message, the Original Message is the payload received from Oracle applications before it's transformed and sent out. For inbound messages, it's the same as the message received from your trading partner.

  • The Transformed Message is the message, after the XSL file is applied to the original message and the message has been processed.

  • The Number of Attachments column provides a link to the View Message Attachment Processing Details dialog box, which displays information about the file name and ID of Processed Attachments and Unprocessed Attachments.