Message Processing History

You can review information in the Processing History section of the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page after selecting a message.

Here's what you can review:

  • The Delivery Attempts tab displays information about each attempt at delivering a message. If an error occurs in delivering a message, it provides information about the error.

  • The Confirmations tab displays information about each confirmation received for a message delivery such as the message ID, the external message ID, and any processing result code received.

B2B Messages in the Transactions Console

A B2B message may not be available for viewing on the Manage Collaboration Messaging History page when an error results in abnormal termination of the message's processing. In such a case, use the Transactions Console to search for the message, download and review its error log, and take suitable action. You can either recover or terminate the processing of the message.

For example, if a message was delivered to your partner but not logged in Collaboration Messaging History, then a successful recover action in the Transaction Console logs the message in Collaboration Messaging History. For other errors, you need to terminate the message process in the Transactions Console and start it again in Collaboration Messaging Framework.

Restrict B2B Messages in Transaction Console

You need to have the job role B2B Administrator (ORA_CMK_B2B_ADMINISTRATOR_ABSTRACT) to access the Transactions Console and restrict the B2B messages that you want to display on the Transaction Console.

Here's what needs to be done:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Enterprise HCM Information task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management, Procurement, Order Management, or Financials

    • Functional Area: Enterprise Profile

  2. On the Enterprise page, in the Transaction Console Information section, select Enable Transaction Security.

Search for B2B Messages in the Transaction Console

  1. In the Transaction Console work area, click Transaction Summary.

  2. On the Transaction Manager page, check the Last Refresh time stamp to see when the transaction statuses were last updated. Refresh again, if required.

    • You can refresh any time as long as someone else didn't already start a refresh.

    • You can also set the Refresh Transaction Administrator Console Transaction Status scheduled process to refresh the statuses periodically, for example, hourly.

    • If you open the details of a specific transaction, its status refreshes.

  3. Search for a transaction as needed and click the transaction in the Name column to see its details.

    You can use the search to find messages based on keywords in the Name or Process Name columns, for example using the order number, or the word PurchaseOrder.

  4. Click Actions > Download to review the cause of failure in the relevant log.

For more information, see the Transaction Console topic in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications: Using Common Features guide.