Oracle 1.0 B2B Purchase Order Change In

Refer to Figure 1 in Oracle 1.0 B2B Purchase Order In for the structure of the payload that is received from the customer for the predefined message definition Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-In.

Refer to Figure 2 in Oracle 1.0 B2B Purchase Order In for the structure of the transformed payload that is sent to the application for the predefined message definition Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-In.

Data Mapping

This table outlines how the data from the predefined message definition Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change-In is mapped.



B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionId
B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber CustomerPONumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/RevisionNumber SourceTransactionRevisionNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderDate TransactionOn


The predefined DVM, CURRENCY_CODE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Comments Comments
B2BPurchaseOrder/Customer/Name BuyingPartyName
B2BPurchaseOrder/Customer/BuyerContactName BuyingPartyContactName
This element's value is being populated from ElectronicOrderSourceSystem


If ChangeCode is set to Changed or Canceled, then this is set to the value from processInboundCollaborationMessage/InboundCollaborationMessage/ProcessingConfiguration/ElectronicOrderSourceSystem

B2BPurchaseOrder/Customer/BuyerContactEmail BuyingPartyPersonEmail


This is set to N.


This is set to N.


This is set to N.


If ChangeCode is set to Canceled then this field is set to CANCEL. Otherwise, no value will be mapped.

B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionId
This element's value is being populated from ElectronicOrderSourceSystem. SourceTransactionSystem

This is set to BILL_TO.


This element's value is being populated from PartnerKey3.

B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/LocationCode AccountSiteUseId

The DVM, EDI_LOCATION in use for this field.

If a LocationCode is provided in the payload, that is used to populate the address. Otherwise, the address will be mapped as below.
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/AddressLine1 AddressLine1
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/City City
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/PostalCode PostalCode
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/StateOrProvince State

The DVM, STATE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/CountryCode Country

The DVM, COUNTRY_CODE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionId
This element's value is being populated from ElectronicOrderSourceSystem SourceTransactionSystem

This is set to SHIP_TO.

B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/CustomerName PartyName

If no value is provided in B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/CustomerName, then the variable retrieveCustomerNameFromPayload is checked. If it false, then PartyName is set to the value from Partnerkey3 in Processing Configuration and if retrieveCustomerNameFromPayload is true then PartyName is set to the value from B2BPurchaseOrder/Customer/Name.

Note: retrieveCustomerNameFromPayload is a variable in the XSL that is set to false by default. You can modify this value by modifying the XSL.
B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/LocationCode PartySiteId

The predefined DVM, EDI_LOCATION in use for this field.

If a LocationCode is provided in the payload, that is used to populate the address. Otherwise, the address will be mapped.

B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/AddressLine1 AddressLine1
B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/City City
B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/PostalCode PostalCode
B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/StateOrProvince State

The DVM, STATE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/CountryCode Country

The DVM, COUNTRY_CODE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/ContactName PartyContactName


For each schedule received in the inbound payload, line is created in DooOrderLinesAllInt

B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionId
This element's value is being populated from ElectronicOrderSourceSystem SourceTransactionSystem
This element's value is being populated from ConfigurationData1 BusinessUnitId

This element's value is being populated from ConfigurationData1.

B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber CustomerPONumber

This element's value is being populated from SenderMessageId.


This is a concatenation of the SourceTransactionLineNumber and the SourceTransactionScheduleNumber.


This is a concatenation of the SourceTransactionLineNumber and the SourceTransactionScheduleNumber.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/LineNumber SourceTransactionLineNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/LineNumber SourceTransactionScheduleNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Item/SupplierItemNumber ProductNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Item/CustomerItemNumber CustomerProductNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/OrderQuantity OrderedQuantity
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/OrderUnitOfMeasureCode OrderedUOM

The predefined DVM, UOM_CODE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/LineNumber CustomerPOLineNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/LineNumber CustomerPOScheduleNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/RequestedShipDate RequestedShipDate
B2BPurchaseOrder/PaymentTermsName PaymentTerm

The predefined DVM, PAYMENT_TERMS in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/CarrierName ShippingCarrier
B2BPurchaseOrder/ServiceLevel ShippingServiceLevel
B2BPurchaseOrder/ModeOfTransport ShippingMode
B2BPurchaseOrder/FreightTermsCode FreightTerms
B2BPurchaseOrder/FOBCode FobPoint

The predefined DVM, FOB_CODE in use for this field.

ProcessingConfiguration/SenderMessageId OrigSysDocumentReference
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/ChangeCode or, B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ChangeCode OperationMode

If B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/ChangeCode or B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ChangeCode is set to Canceled, then this is set to CANCEL. Otherwise, it remains blank.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/BlanketOrderNumber AgreementNumber
B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionId
This element's value is being populated from ElectronicOrderSourceSystem SourceTransactionSystem

This is a concatenation of the SourceTransactionLineNumber and the SourceTransactionScheduleNumber.


This is a concatenation of the SourceTransactionLineNumber and the SourceTransactionScheduleNumber.


This is set to BILL_TO.


This value is being populated from PartnerKey3.

B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/LocationCode AccountSiteUseId

The predefined DVM, EDI_LOCATION in use for this field.

If a LocationCode is provided in the payload, that is used to populate the address. Otherwise, the address will be mapped.

B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/AddressLine1 AddressLine1
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/City City
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/PostalCode PostalCode
B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/StateOrProvince State

The DVM, STATE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/CountryCode Country

The DVM, COUNTRY_CODE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/BillTo/ContactNumber Phone
B2BPurchaseOrder/OrderNumber SourceTransactionId
This element's value is being populated from ElectronicOrderSourceSystem SourceTransactionSystem

This is a concatenation of the SourceTransactionLineNumber and the SourceTransactionScheduleNumber.


This is a concatenation of the SourceTransactionLineNumber and the SourceTransactionScheduleNumber.


This is set to SHIP_TO.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/CustomerName or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/CustomerName PartyName

PartyName is populated according to the following rules:

PartyName is populated from B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/CustomerName if it is provided. Otherwise, it is populated from B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/CustomerName. If no value is provided in either of these, then the variable retrieveCustomerNameFromPayload is checked. If it is false, then PartyName is set to value from Partnerkey3 in Processing Configuration or if retrieveCustomerNameFromPayload is true then PartyName is set to the value from B2BPurchaseOrder/Customer/Name.

Note: retrieveCustomerNameFromPayload is a variable in the XSL that is set to false by defaulr. You can modify this value by modifying the XSL.
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/LocationCode or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/LocationCode PartySiteId

The DVM, EDI_LOCATION in use for this field.

If the LocationCode is provided, it is used to populate the address. PartySiteId is populated from B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/LocationCode if it is provided. Otherwise, it is populated from B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/LocationCode.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/AddressLine1 or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/AddressLine1 AddressLine1
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/City or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/City City
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/PostalCode or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/PostalCode PostalCode
B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/StateOrProvince or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/StateOrProvince State

The DVM, STATE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/Country or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/Country Country

The DVM, COUNTRY_CODE in use for this field.

B2BPurchaseOrder/Lines/Schedules/ShipTo/ContactName or B2BPurchaseOrder/ShipTo/ContactName PartyContactName

Sample Payload

Here's a sample payload for the predefined message definition Oracle-1-0-B2B-Purchase-Order-Change In.

<n1:B2BPurchaseOrderMessage xmlns:n1="">
		<n1:CurrencyCode>USD</n1:CurrencyCode> <!-- CURRENCY_CODE -->
		<n1:PaymentTermsName>30 Net</n1:PaymentTermsName> <!-- PAYMENT_TERMS -->
		<n1:FOBCode>Origin</n1:FOBCode> <!-- FOB_CODE -->
		<n1:FreightTermsCode>Prepaid freight</n1:FreightTermsCode>
		<!--Shipping method is a concatenation of: ServiceLevel, ModeOfTransport, and CarrierPartyName-->
		<n1:ServiceLevel>2nd day air</n1:ServiceLevel>
			<n1:Name>Computer Associates International</n1:Name>
			<n1:BuyerContactName>Jimmy Anderson</n1:BuyerContactName>
		<!--If both the LocationCode and Address are passed, the LocationCode is used to process the message. The address will be ignored-->
			<n1:CustomerName>Computer Associates International</n1:CustomerName>
			<n1:LocationCode>V1-_NEW_YORK_CITY_0_2450399170046_ST</n1:LocationCode> <!-- EDI_LOCATION -->
			<n1:AddressLine1>102, CityView</n1:AddressLine1>
			<n1:StateOrProvince>TN</n1:StateOrProvince> <!-- STATE -->
			<n1:CountryCode>US</n1:CountryCode> <!-- COUNTRY_CODE -->
			<n1:ContactName>Jimmy Anderson</n1:ContactName>
		<!--If both the LocationCode and Address are passed, the LocationCode is used to process the message. The address will be ignored-->
			<n1:CustomerName>Computer Associates International</n1:CustomerName>
			<n1:LocationCode>V1- New York City_BT</n1:LocationCode> <!-- EDI_LOCATION -->
			<n1:AddressLine1>103, RiverView</n1:AddressLine1>
			<n1:StateOrProvince>TN</n1:StateOrProvince> <!-- STATE -->
			<n1:CountryCode>US</n1:CountryCode> <!-- COUNTRY_CODE -->
				<!--Either Customer or SupplierItemNumber must be provided. If both are provided, then the relationship between the customer item and supplier item must exist in Fusion PIM-->
			<n1:OrderUnitOfMeasureCode>Each</n1:OrderUnitOfMeasureCode> <!-- UOM_CODE -->
					<!--If both the LocationCode and Address are passed, the LocationCode is used to process the message. The address will be ignored-->
					<n1:CustomerName>Computer Associates International</n1:CustomerName>
					<n1:LocationCode>V1-_NEW_YORK_CITY_0_2450399170046_ST</n1:LocationCode> <!-- EDI_LOCATION -->
					<n1:AddressLine1>102, CityView</n1:AddressLine1>
					<n1:StateOrProvince>TN</n1:StateOrProvince> <!-- STATE -->
					<n1:CountryCode>US</n1:CountryCode> <!-- COUNTRY_CODE -->
					<n1:ContactName>Jimmy Anderson</n1:ContactName>