Outbound Messages

These are the outbound messages supported by GHX.

Purchase Order

The purchase order message, GHX-OAGIS-10.1-Purchase-Order-Collaboration-Message-Out is supported by GHX. By default, this message is sent as an XML file via web services.

If you have consignment orders, there are a couple of ways to send them to your suppliers:

  • You can send them as XML messages with additional data such as consignment order type, provider case ID, physician name, and procedure date or
  • You can send them directly to your suppliers as PDF by email.

Send Consignment Orders Using GHX

The XSL for this message definition contains an example of how to include additional data from the PO header and PO line levels using flexfields to represent information such as provider case ID, physician name, and procedure date. The data elements (except for lot number and serial number) are mapped to an extension at the PO header and PO line with the typeCode GHX.

The following data elements are included at the PO header level using flexfields:

  • Consignment Order Type
  • ProviderCase ID
  • Physician Name
  • Procedure Date
  • Supplier Sales Order Number

The following data elements are included at the PO line level using flexfields:

  • Lot Number
  • Serial Number
  • Medical Record Number
  • Supplier Sales Person ID
Here's how you include this data in the XML PO message:
  1. Configure flexfields at the PO header and PO line to represent the data outlined above. Make note of the column name for each flexfield configured. Refer to the topic Overview of Flexfields for more details.

  2. Download the XSL for GHX-OAGIS-10.1-Purchase-Order-Collaboration-Message-Out. See the steps outlined in the Export the Message Transformation Package section.

  3. Modify the XSL to replace the placeholders FlexConsignmentOrderType, FlexCaseID, FlexPhysicianName, FlexProcedureDate, FlexSupplierSalesOrderNumber, FlexLotNumber, FlexSerialNumber, FlexMedicalRecordNumber, and FlexSupplierSalesPersonID with the table column names for each of the flexfields that you've configured for them.

  4. In the XSL, search for <xsl:variable name="messageParam"> to find the section where you'll have to replace the placeholders with the table column names for each of the flexfields. For example, as shown in the excerpt from the XSL below, replace FlexConsignmentOrderType with the table column name for the flexfield that you've configured for Consignment Order Type, FlexCaseID with the table column name of the flexfield configured for Case ID, and so on.
    <xsl:variable name="messageParam">
    The table below shows the data mapping for placeholders such as FlexConsignmentOrderType and represents the flexfields that need to be configured for each.
    Procurement Source Message Payload

    PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/ConsignmentOrderType


    PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/ConsignmentOrderType

    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/FlexSupplierSalesOrderNumber PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/SupplierSalesOrderNumber
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/FlexPhysicianName PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/PhysicianName
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/FlexProcedureDate PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/ProcedureDate
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/FlexProviderCaseID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/ProviderCaseID
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/PdfDraftPurchaseOrderLineVORow/FlexMedicalRecordNumber PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/MedicalRecordNumber
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/PdfDraftPurchaseOrderLineVORow/FlexSupplierSalesPersonID PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Extension[@typeCode = 'GHX']/SupplierSalesPersonID
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/PdfDraftPurchaseOrderLineVORow/FlexLotNumber PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/Lot/ID
    PdfDraftPurchaseOrderHeaderVORow/PdfDraftPurchaseOrderLineVORow/FlexSerialNumber PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/Item/SerialNumberID
  5. After you have modified the XSL, save it and create a new message definition for your PO message for GHX. See the User-Defined Messages section for more details.

Attachments for the PO PDF

If the message is modified to send a PO PDF, only the PO PDF is sent by default. This is controlled by the variable PassAllAttachments which is set to False and may be modified further to include all of the attachments.

Send Consignment Orders Directly to Suppliers as a PDF

The XSL for this message contains an example that shows how to conditionally send consignment orders as PDF files by email for bill-only orders.

The example in the XSL for this message definition sends a PO PDF based on the following criteria:

  • A flexfield configured at the PO header level for Consignment Order Type with values of Bill Only, Bill and Replace, Replace Only, and Waste Only.
  • A trading partner value of False or a trading partner that doesn't exist in the DVM with the name ELECTRONIC_CONSIGNMENT_ORDER_SUPPLIERS.

The subject line for the email with the PO PDF is generated in the XSL in the following format - Value for Order Type Purchase Order PO Number For example, Bill Only Purchase Order 1024.

Here's how you can modify the XSL to send the PO PDF by email:
  1. Configure a flexfield at the PO header to represent Consignment Order Type. Modify the XSL to replace FlexConsignmentOrderType with the table column name of the flexfield you've configured. Refer to the section Here's how you include this data in the XML PO message above for details on how to modify the XSL and replace it for the PO message definition.
  2. Create a DVM with the name ELECTRONIC_CONSIGNMENT_ORDER_SUPPLIERS. List the trading partners in that DVM that you don't want to send a PO PDF by email to for bill-only orders. The trading partner qualifier in the DVM needs to be set to a concatenation of Trading Partner ID and ID Type i.e., if the trading partner ID is ABC and the trading partner ID type is Generic and you don't want to send a PO PDF to that trading partner for bill-only orders, you need to have the following information in the DVM:
    DVM Name (Qualifier, Order-2) Fusion Value Trading Partner (Qualifier, Order-1) Trading Partner Value