Complementary Fiscal Documents

Use Additional CFOP Codes in Standard and Standard Complimentary Fiscal Document Captures.

You can issue complementary fiscal documents for existing standard, freight, and drop ship fiscal documents.

The three variations in the complementary fiscal documents are as follows:
  • Price complementary for any corrections related to price on the original fiscal document.
  • Quantity complementary for any quantity related corrections.
  • Tax complementary for any difference in the tax amount.

Use additional CFOP codes for capturing fiscal documents in case of merchandise return or goods received for repair. You can use the additional CFOP codes in both standard and standard complementary flows, in addition to the bookkeeping fiscal flow.

Use Additional CFOP Codes in Standard and Standard Complimentary Fiscal Document Captures

Use additional CFOP codes for capturing fiscal documents in case of merchandise return or goods received for repair. You can use the additional CFOP codes in both standard and standard complementary flows, in addition to the bookkeeping fiscal flow.

CFOP (Fiscal Code of Operations and Services)

CFOPs are available for different fiscal flows. The Manage Interface Fiscal Flows page lists all the CFOPs. On this page, you can select and view details of each CFOP.

CFOPs can be available for more than one fiscal flow. However, ensure that you set a CFOP to active only in the fiscal flow that your business wants to use.

If same CFOP is active in more than one fiscal flow, then the automatic derivation of the fiscal flow fails and an error is shown. To resolve the error, you must do an manual intervention from the Manage Interface Fiscal Documents page.