Fiscal Documents for Bookkeeping Only

You can capture, process, and validate fiscal documents used for bookkeeping only. The tax calculation and validation is available to confirm the fiscal document information. You can also do fiscal reporting and compliance.

Here are the fiscal documents for bookkeeping purpose only:
  • Standard Fiscal Documents for Bookkeeping only
  • Freight Fiscal Documents for Bookkeeping only
  • Freight Fiscal Documents for Other Services for Bookkeeping only

Standard Fiscal Documents for Bookkeeping only

Fiscal documents are exchanged between organizations when the fiscal documents are required in the fiscal reports. Some fiscal documents don't generate transactions inside subledgers like payables and cost management, but are validated and stored for fiscal reporting purposes. Using only bookkeeping you can enter fiscal documents to provide tax validation and fiscal compliance.

Also, this fiscal flow supports tax, price, and quantity complementary fiscal documents.

Freight Fiscal Documents for Bookkeeping only

For goods and services, you can create freight fiscal documents for bookkeeping purposes only.
Note: Services include freight for other services also, that is, Model 57 and Model 67 services.

When a freight service provider additionally sub-hires other freight service providers for transportation purposes, the fiscal documents will not have the taxpayer information like the 'Ship From' and 'Ship To' details. As these services are usually paid based on a standing contractual agreement, they don't require subledger entries, but need tax validation and fiscal compliance. Using only bookkeeping, you can enter freight fiscal documents to provide tax validation and fiscal compliance.

You can import, process, and capture freight fiscal documents for Bookkeeping purposes only using the Freight Bookkeeping fiscal flow process.

Note: Set the bookkeeping freight fiscal flow as active in the Manage Fiscal Flows page before importing any freight fiscal documents that are for fiscal reporting purposes only. You can have either the regular freight acquisition fiscal flow or a bookkeeping version or both. There is no difference in the XML format of a regular freight acquisition fiscal document and the only bookkeeping fiscal document. If you want to use both options of the freight fiscal flow, you must specify the preference for flow identification in setup and maintenance. See the Specify Freight Fiscal Flow Preferences topic in the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM Implementing Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management guide for more information.