Freight Fiscal Documents for Outbound Flow

This fiscal flow applies when a freight fiscal document is sent by the third party service provider for the freight incurred in transporting goods for outbound shipments, and requires payment to that service provider.

The Freight Outbound flow becomes applicable when you incur freight for the following business flow scenarios:

  • When you're shipping goods to a customer

  • When returns are made from the customer

  • For movement of goods within the organization as part of internal transfer

  • For customer drop shipments

  • For customer drop shipment returns

  • For consigned flow

As this flow is for outbound freights, the freight incurred on them aren't allocated to the item costs. Instead, you can create an invoice directly in Payables.

Also, this fiscal flow supports price complementary fiscal documents.

During the freight fiscal document capture, if there are multiple sites with the same Ship To address, then:
  • The application automatically picks the one that’s set as the primary site with the required CNPJ.
  • If no primary site is found, then the first customer site that searched for the CNPJ is automatically picked.