How Other Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications are Integrated

Fiscal documents are required when goods and services are sold and when goods are shipped form one physical address to another.

A fiscal document requires an approval by the Brazilian fiscal authorities before a supplier can ship the goods or services. The supplier can share this approved fiscal document with you prior to shipping the goods and you can capture and validate the fiscal document information before the goods are received.

Once the goods are received, the captured fiscal document information can include information on the delivered goods and validated taxes, and this information is interfaced with the receiving, payables, and receipt accounting applications.

Note: The fiscal documents created for book keeping are created for recording information and do not have any financial implication in any interfaced Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

The fiscal document capture application integrates with the following Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications:

Oracle Tax Application

You can compute and manage taxes in fiscal documents due to seamless integration with the tax application. This integration enables tax calculation on the transactions in the fiscal document. You can retain original tax information in the fiscal document, compare the calculated taxes and the original taxes for tolerance validations, and view the fiscal attribute information in fiscal documents.

In the fiscal document, you can view the tax amount from the supplier's fiscal document, and also the tax amount calculated by the tax application. The fiscal document validation process validates the tax difference between the two and places the fiscal document on hold if they are beyond the tolerance limits.

In the fiscal document, you can view the tax summary at the entire document level and you can also view the taxes at each line level.

Oracle Cost Management and Oracle Receipt Accounting Applications

The financial information in the fiscal document like item cost, charges, and taxes are processed in the cost management and receipt accounting applications. The validated fiscal document information is shared with the costing application. The fiscal document capture application interfaces with the receipt accounting application to create receipts.

The charges and price information from the fiscal document contributes to the item unit cost. The item cost in inventory includes the material cost, charges, and taxes, and all of this information is gathered from the fiscal document. The price and charges from the complimentary fiscal documents are also transferred to the cost management application and this amount is part of the item unit cost. The freight amount from freight fiscal document and freight complementary fiscal document is processed and this value becomes part of the item cost.

Oracle Payables Application

A fiscal document is the source of truth for financial information, once a fiscal document is successfully validated; the validated information is automatically shared with the payables application to create a corresponding invoice.

In the payables application, the charges and taxes are identified separately in the invoice. The complimentary fiscal document information is also transferred to the payables application for invoice creation. The status of a fiscal document changes to captured after a successful transfer of information to the payables application.

These invoices are then validated, accounted, and paid in the payables application.