Task flow for Expense Destination Purchases

Purchase order schedules for an expense destination may be accrued either at receipt or accrued at period end.

Expense destination purchases can be for an item or description based. You can create fiscal documents for expense destination purchase orders that accrue either at receipt or period end.

The task flow for purchase orders accrued at receipt is same that of the purchase of goods and services.

Description-based purchase orders are routed as expense destination purchases and could be accrued at period end. Receipts against such purchase orders are accrued as expenses in receipt accounting in an accounting period where the invoice is usually not yet received and accounted before the period end. Accounting and reporting of taxes from fiscal document for such purchases will be done on Invoice created in Payables, and receipt accounting only generates period end accrual for uninvoiced receipt value using the estimated price and taxes on the purchase order.