Create Aggregated Time Buckets Without Order Forecast Values at Week or Period Level

By default, order forecasts are stored and displayed only in time buckets where a forecast value exists. You can enable the creation of empty time buckets for weeks or periods that don't contain order forecast values using the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Settings page.

When you view order forecasts on the Edit Order Forecast Details page, you can see time buckets for each collaboration relationship. These time buckets start with the first available order forecast and continue to the end of the commit horizon.

Note: Aggregate time buckets for order forecasts will only be created for collaboration relationships for which you have defined a commit horizon.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Settings task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Supply Chain Collaboration

    • Task: Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Settings

  2. On the Manage Supply Chain Collaboration Settings page, on the Collaboration Planning tab, the Collaboration Settings section, select Yes for Create aggregated time buckets for weeks or periods that don't contain values. The default value is No.

  3. Click Save and Close.

Note: You can specify a default forecast horizon and a default commit horizon of a maximum of 999 days. However, a user can override these defaults when defining a relationship in the Manage Supply Collaboration Network task.