How You Add Attachments on Maintenance Work Order Through Rest Service

Work order attachments may contain important information and relevant instructions that can be used to effectively assess the work required and assign the right resources. Use the Work Order Attachments REST API to manage attachments on a work order.

You retrieve all attachments or a single attachment, add or update attachments to a work order, and delete attachments. The Work Order Attachments REST API lets you set the GET, POST, and PATCH method along with your payload script.

Some tasks or business processes require that you store and maintain documents, images, or other files in the form of attachments for future reference. Attachments may exist in the form of large objects, text, an image, or a media file. There are three types of attachments supported, including text, URL, and files. A text attachment comprises unstructured written text, a URL attachment that comprises a web link to an external web page when clicked, and a file attachment that could comprise images or documents and media.

In general, Oracle REST APIs support working with all types of attachments.

You can store attachments in a column within the same database table. Provide the file contents in base64 format. Use this link: to ensure the file is in the correct format.

Here's the location of the attachments:/fscmRestApi/resources/version/maintenanceWorkOrder/[WORKORDER-NUMBER]/child/Attachments

Here is an example payload to add a text type work order attachment using POST:
 "DatatypeCode" : "TEXT",
 "CategoryName" : "MISC",
 "UploadedText" : "This is a sample text attachment",
 "Title" : "REST Attachment Text Test",
 "Description" : "Text Attachment"