How You Manage Maintenance Work Order Statuses

If you're a maintenance manager, you can define and update work order statuses to support enterprise-specific business processes. To do so, use the Manage Work Order Statuses page. Here are two ways to find the page:

  • In the Tasks pane of the Maintenance Management work area, click the Manage Work Order Statuses link.

  • In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use this path:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Maintenance Management

    • Task: Manage Manufacturing and Maintenance Work Order Statuses

A work order status can be either predefined (system status) or user-defined. Here are the predefined statuses:

  • Unreleased

  • Released

  • On Hold

  • Completed

  • Closed

  • Canceled

Define a New Work Order Status

To define a new status, click the Add icon. You must provide a unique name and code for the status, and associate it to a system status. For example, you can define the new status Awaiting Materials, and associate it to the system status On Hold. This helps you sort, manage, and report work orders more effectively.

Use a name that the user can relate to the associated system status. You can add a prefix or a suffix of the system status. For example, you can use the name AWAITING_MATERIALS_ONHOLD to indicate that the new status is associated to the system status On Hold.

Edit a User-Defined Work Order Status

You can only update the Name and Description attributes for both system statuses and user-defined statuses. For a user-defined status, you can't update the Code and System Status attributes.

It's recommended to not update the name of the system status. However, if you want to, you should do it in a way that the user can understand and associate it to the original name of the system status.

Deactivate a User-Defined Work Order Status

To deactivate a user-defined status, update the Inactive On field. When deactivated, the status isn't available for further use until it's reactivated.

Delete a User-Defined Work Order Status

To delete a user-defined status, select the status and click the Delete icon. You can delete a work order status only if it's not associated with any active or closed work order.