Release Sequence Rules

Release sequence rule enables you to specify the order in which the picking lines are pick released to inventory. You must assign a release priority in ascending or descending order to the selected release sequence.

These aspects of defining a release sequence rule will assist you in releasing picking lines according to your preference:

  • Criteria for releasing picking lines

  • Release priority

Criteria for release

You can release picking lines by:

  • Sales order

  • Initial ship date

  • Scheduled ship date

  • Outstanding invoice value

  • Shipping priority

Release priority

You must assign at least one of the criterion specified above to a release priority in the range of 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest. You must select the order, ascending or descending, in which the specified criterion will be made effective. For example, if you select the ascending order for the Scheduled date criterion, then the picking lines with the earliest scheduled date are released first.