Set Up Sourcing Rules in Contract Manufacturing

In contract manufacturing, you can define sourcing rules that specify how to replenish items in an organization, such as purchased items in plants. Sourcing rules can also specify how to replenish all organizations.

Setting up sourcing rules to support the Back-to-Back contract manufacturing flow is similar to how sourcing rules are set up and assigned for standard order promising. However, there are certain points to be noted specifically for Back-to-Back contract manufacturing order promising and are as follows:

  • The sourcing rule is defined as a Local one.

  • The effective Start Date and End Date for the rule is provided. The end date is optional.

  • Define a sourcing rule of type Make, and select the Contract Manufacturing Organization in the Organization field.

The following table describes how you must set up sourcing rules:

Sourcing Rule for Finished Goods or Component

Sourcing Rule

Demand for Finished Goods Server in OEM Organization

Transfer from Contract Manufacturer Organization

Demand for Finished Goods Server in Contract Manufacturer Organization

Make in Contract Manufacturer Organization

Demand for Component (OEM Supplied) in Contract Manufacturer Organization

Transfer from OEM Organization